23. Vanguard

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'I'm going to be in vanguard tomorrow.' Tyrion told Fia and she stared at him confused, she didn't think she heard him correctly. 'The vanguard.' He repeated and Fia crawled closer to him.

'No, that's were people die, soldier die, you are not a soldier.' Fia reminded him.

'The tribesman insisted that until-'

'I don't give a damn what they want.' Fia informed him.

'-their debt is paid I am theirs.'

'You are not theirs you are mine. Mine.' She reminded him.

'I don't have a choice in the matter.' Tyrion told her bringing a hand to her face.

'No, your father won't know if you are out there or with me.' Fia assured him, trapping him between her legs.

'I don't want to leave you.' Tyrion told her. 'I'll be back... I promise.'


"Tomorrow...' he answered sadly.

'Then I best fuck you like it's your last night on earth, just in case.' Fia said bringing her lips to his.

'I like the sound of that.'

Fia heard him let his breath out in a long, slow exhale that ended with him reaching up to take one of her hands from over her head, entwining their fingers and pushing it down into the mattress beside her. His chest came down against her and she could feel his heartbeat pounding as his back arched up slightly and his hips rolled down, pushing himself into her slowly, agonizingly slowly, until he'd sunk into her as far as Fia could take him. The sensation of him stretching her open was breathtaking.

'It has been a while hasn't it?' Fia rasped through shallow breaths.

Tyrion's lips found her then and he brought them both quickly back to a heated arousal with just a kiss - a long, passionate, slow, open mouthed kiss full of deep tonguing and lip nibbling and whispered words that didn't need to make any sense. He hadn't even pulled out of Fia yet before he was hardening again, her own body responding with a sudden renewal of wetness that let him resume movement almost immediately.

Tyrion's eyes ran up her long slender torso, she had such a small grabbable waist. Then his eyes moved up to her pert bare breasts, perfectly round, with small little bud-like nipples that were still hard from her orgasm. He ran his hands from her hips up the sides of her body, her skin was soft, supple, and slightly damp with sweat. He gripped her waist and moved her slowly up and down his shaft, she gasped and moaned at the feeling, her sweet noises getting louder as he picked up the pace. She leant back, placing her hands on his knees to steady herself as he fucked her. He could see her lips now, could see them glistening with her juices, and most importantly: see his cock disappearing into them. He could feel himself building, getting close, but he didn't want it to be over so quickly not when tonight could be his last...


'Wake up your missing the fight.' Bronn said barging into Tyrions tent.

'What are you doing? What do you want?' Tyrion questioned drowsily, an arm still wrapped around Fia's naked body.

'You are sleeping through the war.' Bronn told him


'They got to jump on us in the night they already are approaching.'

'Get my squire.'

'You don't have a squire.' Bronn called leaving the tent

'If I die.' Tyrion told her as she lay back against the pillow 'weep for me.'

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