19. Bronn

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"we cannot thank you enough Bronn!" Fia told him as they walked. It was going to be a long journey but she was grateful to be out of the vale. But her grateful attitude quickly turned into vengeful.

'Ohh I want to kill them.' Fia muttered kicking at rocks and sticks as they walked

'No you don't,' Bronn remarked

'Yes I do. Lots of people. All the time actually.' Fia informed him. 'I just don't have the skills to do so. And lucky for them I don't or else I would be a fucking menace!' Fia exclaimed and tyrion couldn't help but laugh. 'Shut up. I can be mean.'

'Your nickname as a child was sunshine because you couldn't stop smiling and laughing,' tyrion reminded her.

'I can be mean,' Fia repeated

'Of course, my love'. Tyrion said grabbing her hand smiling up at her.

'You two fucking?' Bronn questioned

'I'm going to marry this woman when we get back.' Tyrion informed him making Fia smile with delight.


'You damned fool.'

'There is paper and ink on the table' Robert said through labored breaths. 'write down what I say... in the name of Robert of the house of Baratheon first of his... You know how it goes fill in the damn titles... I hear by command Eddard of house stark titles, titles.' he moaned, 'as Lord Regent and protector of the realm upon my death to rule in my stead until my son Joffrey comes of age.' Instead of writing Joffrey though Ned wrote the rightful heir. 'Give it to me.' Robert requested ned handed it over to Robert and he signed his name at the bottom. Handing the ink back. 'Give it to the council after I'm dead.' Robert instructed 'at least they can say I did this right this one thing... you will rule now. You will hate it worse than I did but you'll do it well.' Robert choked out a breath 'Daenerys Targaryen, the girl you were right, the little finger, my brother, all worthless no one to tell me no but you. Only you.' Robert remarked. 'Let her live stop it if it is not too late.'

'I will.' Ned agreed.

'My son, help him Ned, make him better than me.'

'I... I will do everything I can to honor your memory.' Ned assured.

'Fia... you wrote Catelyn, Fia's coming back right?' Robert pleaded. Ned had wrote but he hadn't gotten a response yet.

"Yes.' He lied. "Fia is coming home. Safe and sound. Big misunderstanding.' Ned lied through his teeth but he hoped to the Gods that Fia was fine, he didn't know how he was going to tell her that Robert died, if she made it back. If Catelyn didn't screw everything up even more.

'Tell her I love her.'


'What's the first thing you want to do when we get home?' Tyrion pondered.

'Take a long hot bath,' Fia declared

'Oh I think I will join you.' Tyrion told her pulling her closer as Bronn lite a fire for them for the night.

'You two are gross.' Bronn told them.

'I'm in love.' Tyrion told him simply. 'Maybe we can find you a woman that makes you feel as I do. But it's unlikely.' Tyrion admitted. 'Because I got the best girl.'

'That you do. And don't forget it.' Fia added

'You must have a magic cock,' Bronn remarked because there was no way Sofia Baratheon was with Tyrion otherwise. She was a 10, no doubt about and Tyrion was... Tyrion.

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