8. Robb

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'How's it going?' Ned questioned Robb after a few days of trying to get Fia and robb together.

'She's nice, beautiful, fucking gorgeous,' Robb murmured and Ned slapped him over the head.

'Language.' Ned told him. 'Sofia is a sweetheart, I think you two would be a good match.'

'I certainly wouldn't mind,' Robb said with a grin. 'but the imp keeps getting in the way.' Robb informed his father. 'Whenever I'm alone with her, he pops up, butting in.'

'I will try and get you some time alone... to talk.' Ned clarified. 'You have to convince her, I can talk to Robert but I don't think he would push a marriage on Fia, she has always been his favorite. It has to be her decision.' Ned told him.

'I will try harder then.' Robb told him.

'IS that a rash?' Tyrion questioned pulling up his shirt, Fia ran her hand along his back.

'I don't think so... you really are-'

'If you say anything other than extremely handsome and charming I am going to have to punish you.' Tyrion told her.

'I like your punishments, so that's not really a good incentive to be good.' Fia reminded him.

'Fia!" Ned called happily coming up to them.

'Ned,' Fia coed.

'I was hoping that we could-' Ned began.

'Actually,' Tyrion butted in. "Fia and I were just about to leave.'

'Were we?' Fia questioned and tyrions face pinched.

"Yes, we were just talking about it, remember?' Tyrion said through a forced smile. He knew what Ned stark was doing, trying to get Fia to fall for his son and Tyrion didn't like it for a second. Fia was his. Fia had proclaimed when they were just children that she would marry Tyrion. But Ned didn't know that, no one knew of their relationship. It was obvious Fia would get suitors but Tyrion thought he had more time to convince Robert that he was the right man for his baby sister.

'Where were we going?' Fia teased.

'You know very well...' Tyrion said slowly thinking of a good excuse somewhere Ned and his tall and handsome son wouldn't want to go but Tyrion mouthed his mouth to answer and a scream rang out. Their heads spun to the sound and Ned ran off. Fia and Tyrion followed after only to see Bran, laying in the courtyard.

The day bran fell the wolves all howled. They circled Bran crying out for their master and friend. Their howls echoed as Catelyn came dropping before her son sobbing, cradling him to her.


Ned's attempts for Robb to woe Fia got lost in the madness as Bran was treated but the maesters proclaimed that if he woke he wouldn't have any use of his legs.

'Poor kiddo.' Fia said softly as they walked through the grounds. There was nothing any of them could do but pray now. she walked slowly with Tyrion the snow falling around them, her black hair sprinkled with snowflakes.

'Your brother was talking of wanting to leave.' Tyrion told her.


'Yes my love... he is the king, he has a castle to run.' Tyrion told her and Fia scoffed.

'Drinking and whoring is not running a castle and how is Ned supposed to be able to focus on Hand jobs if he can't- why are you laughing?'

"Hand jobs.' Tyrion snickered.

"I swear you are a child sometimes,' Fia said laughing herself.

'There is nothing any of us can do for the boy.' Tyrion reminded her.

'Are you going to the wall?" Fia questioned.

'Yes, you are coming with me.' Tyrion told her.

"Oh am I?' Fia questioned, but of course she was. They had been inseparable for years, never going more than a day or two without seeing each other, where one went the other followed.

'What was it that a beautiful, black haired woman was saying, it gets cold and man could get lonely...' Tyrion teased.

'I think you will find it hard to keep your cock warm at the wall.' Fia noted.

'Maybe you shouldn't come.' Tyrion said thinking it through. 'most of those men haven't seen a woman in ages-''

'I'm coming.' Fia informed him. 'Where you go, I go.'

'I need your lips, now.' Tyrion told her and she happily obliged. 

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