13. Warmer weather is calling our names

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'His lungs and his heart all fried up but when you're 100 miles north of the wall if you ask me you leave nothing for the wolves.'

'And how do bears balls taste?' Tyrion questioned.

'Don't answer that.' Fia pleaded her face scrunching up.

'A bit chewy. What about you my Lord what is the strangest thing you've eaten?' Tyrion just chuckled grabbing Fia's hand under the table.

'So you wander the seven kingdoms collecting pickpockets and horse thieves bringing here?' Tyrion questioned.

'Well it's not all bad, some of them are just poor lads looking to be set free some of them are highborn lads looking for glory.' Benjen told them. 'The nights watch is important but you must think us a bunch of jesters and fools?' Benjen questioned

'You don't have enough men to be an army.' Tyrion informed them taking a sip from his jug.

'You have plenty of stories to tell when you go back to Kings Landing when you're drinking your wine down there enjoying your brothels, half the boys you see training will die north the wall. Might be sickness might just be the cold they die in pain and they do it so plump little lords like you can enjoy afternoons of peace and comfort.' Benjen told him.

'Do you think I'm plump?' Tyrion questioned Fia and she pat his stomach. He snatched her hand bringing it to his lips. 'Listen Benjen, may I call you benjen? I'm not sure what I've done to offend you I have great admiration for the nights watch and I have great admiration for you as a first ranger-' Tyrion told him.

'You know your brother once told me that nothing anyone says before the word but really counts.' Benjen said waiting for the But.

'But,' Tyrion added 'I don't believe that Giants and ghouls and white walkers are looking beyond the wall. I believe that the only difference between us in the wildlings are in that wall was built and our ancestors just so happen to live on the right side of it.'

''You're right,' Benjen agreed 'the Wildlings are no different from us, a little rougher maybe but they are made of meat and I know how to track them. I know how to kill them so the Wildlings give the slickest blades... you've never been north of the wall so don't tell me what's out there.' Benjen said getting up.

'You're going below?' Fia questioned benjen nodded.

'Keep warm and keep safe.' Tyrion added, kindly.

'Enjoy the capital' Benjen said leaving.

'We will.' Fia assured. Tyrion was right they were not meant for the cold.


'Don't stand so still it's hard to hit a moving target' Jon said trying to bond with his brothers 'Except for you.' he motioned to pip, 'you move too much,' he saw Tyrion watching him from the doorway above, 'you pull your sword out, jump around and you do all the work for me.' jon informed him.

'How many winters have you seen Lord Tyrion?'

'Eight no nine' he said

'All of them brief?' The maester questioned

'No, the winter of my birth was three years long Maester Aemond.' Tyrion informed him.

'I was born at the end of that winter.' Fia remarked. 'Robert used to say the only reason the sun came out was because I was born.'

'Well he wasn't wrong.' Tyrion told her.

'This summer has lasted nine but word from the citadel tells us that the summer grow shorter... winter is coming. This one will be long and dark, things will come with it.' Maester aemond told them.

'We've been capturing Wildlings more every month they are fleeing south the ones who we find say they have seen the white walkers.'

'And the fisherman of Lannister port say they see mermaids' Tyrion told them humorously.

'I have to go to Lannister Port apparently.' Fia added quietly.

'The night watch is the only thing standing between the realm and what lays beyond and it has become an army of undisciplined boys and tired old men' maester aemond told Tyrion. 'There are less than 1000 of us now,' he went on 'we cannot manage the other castles beyond the wall, we cannot properly patrol the wildlings, we barely have enough led to keep our men armed and fed.'

'Your sister sits by the side of the king. Tell her we need help' he turned to Fia, 'my lady,' he begged her. 'you are the sister of the king, the King!' he exclaimed. 'we need help.'

'I will talk to Robert,' Fia told him. 'At the very least I can have more food sent up here.' Fia informed him and he grabbed her hands.

"Thank you my lady,' she nodded, especially if Jon was up here, Ned's blood it was the least she could do. 'When winter does come, God's help us all if we are not ready.' Aemond told them.


'I'm sorry to see you leave' Jon said as Tyrion finished pissing off the edge of the wall

'It's either me or this cold and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere.' Tyrion told him.

'Will you stop at Winterfell on your way south?'

'I suppose I will gods know there are not many featherbeds between here and Kings Landing.' Tyrion reminded him

'If you see my brother Bran tell him I miss him tell him I'd visit if I could.' Jon requested

'Of course' Tyrion said.

'He may never walk again' Jon informed him

'If you're going to be a cripple it's better to be a rich cripple. Take care snow' Tyrion said walking past.

'I will my Lord.' Fia came running up she hugged Jon tight.

"Take care Jon, be careful and don't die!" Fia requested.

'You too, Sofia.'

'I will tell Bran you say hello when we get there, to winterfell,' Fia clarified.

"Thank you.' Jon said smiling sadly at her.

'and when we get to the capitol I will tell your father... hello as well? Or perhaps what the fuck didn't you tell me about the wall?" Fia teased.

"Safe travels Sofia.' Jon said grinning.

'Come on Fia.' Tyrion called. 'Warmer weather is calling our names.'

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