26. They want Sofia as Queen

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'I heard there was trouble at Baelish is brothel house the other night.'

'Yes it had to be done' Janos Slynt agreed.

'Yes I understand people can get rowdy but I didn't know that included killing newborn babies...'

'Orders are orders,' He told them.

' you are right, of course orders are orders.' Tyrion tested.

'Especially the Queens orders.' Slynt agreed. .

'I never said they were the Queens orders.'

'No but...' Slynt began.

'Who else would want to murder King Roberts bastards. She's always been a jealous woman.' Tyrion told them.

'You know your sister better than I do' slynt offered.

'You've heard the awful rumors about my brother and sister.' Tyrion went on.

'I do not listen to filth' Slynt assured.

'Well that's nice but you have heard. I suppose people who do believe that filth would believe Robert bastards to have a better claim of the throne then cersei's children' Tyrion went on.

'Joffrey is my king the rest does not interest me.'

'Loyal.' Loyal to the wrong people though. 'I appreciate your loyalty. Tell me. When your men slaughtered Ned stark men in the throne room did you give the order?'

'I did and I would again the man was a traitor he tried to buy my loyalty.'

'A fool. he had no idea you were already bought' Tyrion told him.

'Do you joke? I will not have my honor questioned by an imp'

'I'm not questioning your honor I am denying its existence.' Tyrion told him and the man shot up

'I won't sit here and take this from a dwarf!' he said defensively.

'Dwarf you should've stopped at imp' tyrion said still sitting and unfazed by the mans aggression. 'You can stand here and take it from me or you can take it from my friend Bronn here.' Bronn stepped forward. 'I intend to service him to the king until my father returns from the war and seeing as though you would trade the last hand of the King well I just wouldn't feel safe with you looking about.'

'What are you talking about? My friends at court will not allow this the queen herself will not allow this!'

'The queen regent and you are a fool to believe she is your friend.'

'We will hear what Joffrey has to say about this!'

'No we won't.' Tyrion said, he nodded to Bronn, who nodded to the door and two guards came in.

'There was a ship on the shore leaving tonight, from there I'm afraid it is a long walk to Castle Black I hope you enjoy the wall I found it surprisingly beautiful and a brutal, horribly uncomfortable sort of way.' Tyrion told him.

'I will escort you, the streets are not safe at night.' Bronn informed him.

'These men are under my command!' he shouted 'I demand you to arrest this cutthroat!' he shouted

'His name is Bronn and he is the new commander of the city watch.' Tyrion told him.

'Boys' bronn said happily.

'I have powerful friends! The king himself made me a lord!' he screamed out as he was removed from the room.

'To a new commander' Tyrion said clinking glasses with Bronn, 'If I ask you to kill an infant girl still latched onto her mother's breast would you do it without question?' Tyrion asked bronn.

'Without question? No. I would ask how much.' bronn answered.


'Rumors are spreading like wildfire.'

'They would rather have Renly? A man who prefers men on throne? Or Stannis? He will burn everyone to the ground.' Cersei sneered.

'No, they want Sofia Baratheon. They think she will make a better queen.'

"WHAT?" cersei spat.

'She has the peoples favor, they speak of her fondly, they believe the rumors and thing Sofia the best option.'

'No, never that will never happen!" Cersei demanded.

'I'm just the messenger; it is what the people speak.'

'Well the people are idiots if they think that little twat can run a kingdom. No, if anyone is going to be Queen and Queen alone, it will be ME.'

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