6. Lannister

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'Pardon me,' Ned said trying to get around Jaime at the feast.

'I hear we might be neighbors soon' Jaime said blocking his way. 'I hope it's true'

'Yes the king has honored me with the offer' Ned said still trying to get around him.

'I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field the competition has been stale,' Jaime told him

'I don't fight in tournaments' Ned informed him

'No? Getting a little old for it?' Jaime teased

'I don't fight in tournaments when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do.' Ned told him

'Well said.' Jaime told him grinning.

'Excuse me,' ned said again walking off. He needed a bit of fresh air, the lannisters were suffocating him. But Fia's laugh echoed and Ned stole her away from Tyrion. 'Fia it has been too long,' ned told her as she leaned into him. Fia was a ball of energy and Tyrion needed a drink he walked off as Ned spun Fia into his arms. He wasn't worried, not for a moment, unlike Catelyn who clearly didn't like how cozy ned was with Fia.

'You have a few new kiddos since I last saw you.' Fia acknowledged. 'Bran and Rickon are the cutest.' Fia told him. 'and Arya was just a few years old and now she is a young lady.'

'And my eldest? You meet Robb?' Ned was hoping that although Fia was a few years older than Robb that she might consider a match with him. They would really be family.

'Jon seems nice,' Fia said. 'I think Tyrion made a poor impression but Jon should be in here, its so cold outside!' Fia remarked.

'We are used to the snow,' Ned reminded her.

"Yes, yes but still.' Fia told him before he turned them so she could see Robb over Ned's shoulder.

'Robb, my eldest...' Ned said nodding back to him. 'He is a fine man, he is skilled and brave, great with his younger siblings-'

'Ned.' Fia warned.

'-he is quite handsome too, has my good looks.' Ned informed her.

'Ned.' Fia repeated pulling him to a halt.

'What just boasting about my children.' He offered innocently.

'Robb is-'

'To be lord of winterfell when I go to the capitol,' Ned told her and Fia's face lit up.

'You're taking it! You're coming back with us!' she exclaimed happily hugging him tight. 'Oh Ned that's so wonderful!' Ned loved that she was still a child at heart, so happy about the littlest of things.

'I know your brother wants you to marry-'

'I'm not staying here.' Fia told him. 'especially not if you are coming to the capitol!' Fia told him.

'Just meet him, for me.' Ned said hopefully.

'Fine,' and Ned smiled. 'I will meet him not marry him.' Fia informed him. 'You wipe that smile right off your face mister.' Ned nodded but a smile still pulled at his lips.

'You will like Robb.' Ned told her.

'I'm sure he is perfectly nice, but my heart is set on a man at the capitol.' Fia told him.

'I didn't realize that you had a suitor back home.' Ned told her.

'Not exactly.' Fia told him. 'But-'

'Meet Robb, he is a proper suiter.' Ned encouraged. Fia nodded but her gaze went to Tyrion instead, a glass to his lips and smiled over at her.


'Ned! Ned!' Catelyn said running in 'I just got word from the Erie, from my sister. She said Lord Aryn was murdered by the Lannister's!' she hissed. 'that means that King is in danger!'

'She is a fresh widow Cat, she does not know what she's saying.' Ned assured her.

'Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found out Ned!' Catelyn exclaimed. 'Do you think she would risk her life? Her son's life? To risk telling us that her husband was murdered?'

'If this news is true and the Lannister's are conspiring against the throne who but you can protect the king' maester Llewen said coming up behind them.

'They murdered the last Hand,' cat reminded him 'now you want to take the job?'

'They traveled a month to ask for Ned Starks help. He is the only one he trusts. He swore the oath.' Lyewen reminded Catelyn.

'He spent half his life fighting in Roberts wars he owes him nothing!' she spat.

'Your father and Brother Road South once on the kings demand.' Ned recalled.

'A different time,' Lyewen reminded him 'a different King.'

'The whole Baratheon family is in danger that means that,' Ned said softly thinking it through, 'Robert and his children... I have to go. I'm the only one who he trusts. I'm the only one that can protect him and Fia.'

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