28. Intoxicating

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'Did you find him?' Tyrion questioned

'Oh I have and he's got company filthy old stoat I hate to interrupt.' Bronn said with a grin.

'No you don't.' Tyrionn said

'You're right I don't.' Bronn said happily as they made their way to the brothel. Walking past the whore Bronn winked at them as they went, making their way up to Maester pycelle and his whore.

'What is the meaning of this?' Pycelle screamed the whore ran to the corner of the room.

'You disappoint me grand master.' Tyrion told him.

'I am a loyal servant' he told them nervously.

'So loyal that you told the queen about my plans to send Marcella to Dorne? Now I know-' Tyrion went on.

'Never! it's a falsehood! I swear it was not me!' He denied. 'Varys it was varys the spider-'

'You see I told Varys I was giving marcella to the grayjoys, I told Little finger that I plan to wed her to Robin arryn and I told no one that I was offering her the Dornish.' Tyrion told him. 'No one but you.' Tyrion added sweetly.

'You know they have spies everywhere!' Pycelle tried to convince them. 'Please, please-' Pycelle begged.

'Cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats.' Tyrion said calmly

'No no no' pycelle demanded, the whore still shivering naked in the corner.

'there are no goats out there.' the men informed him

'We will make do,' Tyrion assured them.

'Please, please no.' Pycelle begged.

'How long have you been spying for my sister?' Tyrion questioned as pycelle clutched at his manhood.

'All I did I did for house Lannister always. I've always been his servant since the day of the mad king, ask your father he will tell you!' he pleaded.

'I don't like his beard' Tyrion said calmly and Bronn stepped forward chopped off his beard Pycelle clutched at his face

'How many hands have you betrayed pycelle? Eddard stark, John Arryn-'

'John Arryn knew, he knew about the truth about the queen.' he stammered 'and he planned to tell King Robert.' Pycelle pleaded.

'So you poisoned him?'

'No never' pycelle assured.

'But you let him die?' Tyrion questioned.

'No never... I always serve a Lannister. serve a Lannister!'

'Get him out of my sight, throw him in one of the black cells.' Tyrion told the guards. Tyrion put a coin down on the bed next to the whore shivering in the corner 'for your troubles' he said turning away but then adding a second one.


Tyrion kissed her, drowning all her senses with his lingering words, his intoxicating taste, his powerful body flesh to hers.

Fia let out a moan, and Tyrion sunk deep into her. His thrusts powerful more than before and she was grinding herself against him, keeping up with his rhythm. His groans were not loud compared to the moans she was giving. His lips found her again and they both indulged in their breaths and tastes. His hand touching her almost everywhere, grabbing whatever he can find and her nails scratching his back, pulling him closer with each thrust. Each thrust was more sensual and intimate than ever. That spot he was hitting was strangely getting too sensitive and before she knew it, she spasmed hitting a wave of pleasure that left her breathless. He stopped kissing her when she let out breathless moans, kissing her neck and nibbling down her earlobe.

Tyrion loved the exhilaration she felt every time he claimed a part of her body with such unapologetic desire. A desire that felt like something much more than want. It was a need that brought her to life with a mind-numbing shot of anticipation and a heart-pounding jolt.

But all good things seem to always come to an end...

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