20. Charming smile isnt payment enough?

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'You are a giggle bug.' Bronn remarked as Fia was in a significantly better mood the closer they got to Tywin's camps and the farther away from the vale.

'On the plus side,' Fia went on, 'there is no way Robert would turn down your proposal after the ordeal we just went through.' Fia said confidently.

'You thought he would before?" Tyrion questioned.

"I mean isn't that why you wanted to keep things quiet?' fia offered.

"Well... yes.' Tyrion admitted. 'That, and the fact that you my dear are way out of my league.'

'He's not wrong about that,' Bronn added looking her over.

'You don't give yourself enough credit.' Fia informed Tyrion. 'I think you are wonderful. You are smart, and handsome and brave.'

'Brave.' Bronn scoffed.

"You didn't see him hitting the prince in the face.' Fia informed Bronn, 'he could have easily been punished for it but he was trying to make Joffrey a decent human being and less of a shit.' Fia said confidently.

'You punched the prince?'

'I do.' Tyrion agreed.

'It was very sexy.' Fia added with a mischievous little grin.

"Oh,' tyrion said pleasantly, 'Then I might have to slap him when we get back then.' Tyrion joked.


'Lord stark you must be thirsty.' Varys said kneeling before him handing him a jug of water. 'I promise you it's not poisonous.' he said uncorked it, taking a sip before handing it over. And Ned took a long chug. 'Not so much my Lord I would save the rest if I were you, hide it men have been known to die of thirst in the cells.'

'What about my daughters?'

'The younger one has seem to escape the castle even my birds cannot seem to find her.'

'And Sansa?'

'Still engaged to Joffrey, Cersei will keep her close the rest of your household though are all dead it appears. I hate the sight of blood.' Varys admitted.

'You watched my men being slaughtered and you did nothing.' Ned sneered

'And I would again my Lord I was unarmed and surrounded by Lannister swords. when you look at me do you see a hero?" Ned took another sip 'what madness led you to tell the queen the truth about Joffrey's birth?'

'The madness of mercy. That she might protect her children.' ned admitted

'the children, it's always the innocent to suffer... It wasn't the wine that killed Robert or the boar though the wine slowed him down and the boar ripped him open but it was your mercy that killed the king. I trust you... but you are a dead man lord Eddard stark.' Vary told him.

'The queen can't kill me we have her brother and Fia.' Ned reminded him.

'The wrong brother sadly and the queen has never cared for Sofia, such a sweet girl too.' Varys informed him. 'Besides, your wife has let the imp and dear Fia slip through her fingers.'

'If that is true then slit my throat and be done with it.' Ned declared.

'Not today my Lord'

'Tell me some thing Varys who do you truly serve?' Ned questioned.

'The realm my Lord. Someone must.' Varys said walking away and leaving him in darkness.


'Do you deny your father's crime?" Petyr questioned.

"No, My Lords. We know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know my Lord Father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him. You all know he loved him. He never wanted to be Hand until the King asked him. They must have lied to him, Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!" Sansa spoke truthfully and honestly, begging for her father.

"He said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that?" Joffrey snapped

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn't himself. Otherwise he never would have said it." Sansa pleaded.

"A child's faith. Such sweet innocence. And yet they say wisdom often comes from the mouths of babes." Varys said solemnly.

"Treason is treason!" pycelle declared.

"Anything else?" Joffrey sat on the iron throne, ready to start taking heads.

"If you still have any affection in your heart for me please do me this kindness, Your Grace." Joffrey leaned back in his chair debating sansa's words.

"Your sweet words have moved me. But your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the King. Or there'll be no mercy for him."

"He will." Sansa assured.


'You know I was thinking, I'm bringing the both of you, that's two people of high power in the world, to safety.' Bronn told them.

'Yes and we are grateful.' Fia reminded him.

"Yes but gratitude doesn't get me anything.' Bronn told her.

'My charming smile isn't payment enough?' she teased.

'What do I get for helping you?' Bronn questioned

'What do you want?' Tyrion questioned.

'Land women riches do you know the usual plus eternal glory and gratitude.' Bronn told him.

'I can make that happen.' Tyrion told him and Fia nodded in agreement.

'Whatever you want, just get us there alive.' Fia agreed. 

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