9. Slap

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'A sword for the wall?' Jaime questioned coming up to Jon.

'I already have one.' Jon told him

''Good man have you used it yet?' Jaime questioned

'Of course I have.' Jon said.

'At someone I mean...' Jaime smirked. 'it's a strange thing the first time you cut a man.' Jamie told him 'when you realize we are nothing but sacks of meat flesh blood... Let me thank you ahead of time for protecting us from the powers against the wall Wildlings and white walkers and what not.' Jaime mused, 'the great wall could use good men like you protecting it.' Jamie said pulling Jons hand closer before letting him go

'We have guarded the kingdom for 8000 years.' Jon reminded him

'Is it we already?' Jaime questioned 'have you taken your vows then?'

'Soon enough' Jon answered

'Give my regards to the nights watch I'm sure they will be willing to serve such an elite force and if not... It's only for life.' Jamie added walking away

Arya was packing Nymeria, her wolf was helping her for she was headed to Kings Landing soon when Jon came in.

'Apparently I had to do it again.' arya told them 'my septa said that they were not folded properly so I have to do it again!' she sassed, 'who cares weather they are folded properly, they're going to get all messed up anyways!' she reminded Jon.

'It's good you got help.' Jon remarked looking to her pup

'Watch.' arya said standing up straight, 'Nymeria. Gloves.' the dog just stared at her, arya tipped her head but Nymeria still didn't move.

'Impressive.' Jon answered

'Shut up.' Arya snapped. 'Nymeria. Gloves.' she shouted again and again the dog did not move 'dammit.'

'Arya I have something for you,' jon informed her. 'but it has to be packed very carefully.' Jon told her

'A present?' arya said excitedly

'Close the door.' Jon told her pulling out the blade he had created just for her. 'this is no toy.' he told her 'be careful you don't cut yourself.' she held it in her hands.

'it's so skinny.' she remarked

'So are you.' Jon remarked. 'I had a blacksmith make it for you special,' Jon told her 'it won't work anyone's head off but it can poke anyone from holes if you're quick enough.'

'I can be quick.' Arya agreed.

'You have to work at it every day.' Jon told her. 'how does it feel? Do you like the balance?' Jon questioned.

'I think so.' Arya said

'The first lesson. Stick with the pointy end.' Jon told her and arya crinkled her nose at him.

'I know which end to use.' Arya told him

'I'm going to miss you.' she went to hug him but almost stabbed him, 'careful.' he said and carefully she put down the sword and she hugged him leaping into his arms. 'all the best swords have names you know...' jon told her.

'Sansa can keep her sewing needles I've got a needle of my own.' Arya said still holding tight to him.


'I honestly don't know how you keep ending up here.' Fia noted, staring down at Tyrion, he pushed away one of the dogs. "The stables Tyrion, I thought you didn't want to catch anything... and here you are rolling with the hounds.' Fia looked to sandor a smile on her lips but he just stared at her. 'Tough crowd okay...' she admitted as Tyrion stood up brushing away the hay. Joffrey came up behind Fia peering into the stables to see his uncle.

'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him making his way out of the stables to face his nephew.

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

'None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

'The boy means nothing to me and I can't stand the wailing of women-' tyrion slapped him across the face. Fia's jaw dropped as the scene unfolded before her, a laugh stuck on her lips.

'One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened.

'I'm telling mother!' Joffrey screamed, so Tyrion hit him again.

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry that you are at their service and all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out and Tyrion slapped him again

'Do you understand?' Tyrion demanded and Joffrey stormed off.

'the prince will remember that little lord,' sandor told him.

'I hope so.' Tyrion told him 'if he forgets be a good dog and remind him.' Then he turned to Fia. 'You will catch flies dear,' Tyrion said jumping up and tapping her chin she slowly closed her mouth a smile appearing on her face.

'Why do you get to have all the fun?' Fia teased as Tyrion grabbed her hand pressing a kiss to her hand. 

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