5. Work up an Appetite

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'Come on,' Tyrion grabbed Fia's hand dragging her away from the castle.

'Where are we going the feast is going to start soon!" Fia called but her feet followed after him.

'Well we have to work up an appetite of course.' Tyrion told her, leading her to an Inn just outside of winterfell. Tyrion flipped a coin onto the counter. 'I just need an hour.' He told the innkeeper but looked back at Fia, his gorgeous Fia. 'Maybe two...' and Fia couldn't stop laughing. But the man nodded pointing them to a room. 'Excellent.' Tyrion remarked.

The moment the door shut Tyrion pushed Fia to the bed, climbing up on top of her they kissed, long and slow, their tongues stroking, their bodies pressing together tightly.

Tyrion ran hands down her back until he could palm her ass. Her hair brushed his stomach, her body shuddering under his hands as her dress clumped to the floor. Tyrion's hands reach the apex of her legs and he traced his thumbs along her folds, feeling her wetness, so eager for him. Tyrion's cock strained against his pants, but he would have her falling apart first.

Fia heard and felt Tyrion whisper Good girl against her bare stomach as he began moving slowly up her body with his warm lips, peppering soft little kisses around Fia's belly, his hands sliding up to her breasts to squeeze and knead them while they waited for his mouth to get there. By the time it finally arrived her nipples were aching from being pinched and teased by his strong, gracefully talented fingers.

A loud ragged moan escaped Fia's throat when he replaced one hand with his lips and immediately began sucking, nudging her breast with his chin while he pulled at her nipple, sending shooting bolts of desire straight down to Fia's crotch as the pressure and suction worked together to drive her into a pulsating arousal that arched her back up off the mattress. His other hand was on Fia's other breast then, Tyrion's thumb and forefinger squeezing the nipple hard. After a few moments he switched, treating the other breast to the gentleness of his lips while his fingers pinched and tugged at the other, forcing a small cry from her lips.

Fia was still coming when he climbed the rest of the way up her and stretched his body out over her, pressing down with his hips, letting his weight push her into the mattress while she gasped and tried to recover from the still-pulsing orgasm she couldn't seem to get under control. She could feel his cock between her legs, the heavy thick weight of it laying against her, so agonizingly close but still not inside me where she wanted him. A miserable groan whispered out between them and Fia grabbed Tyrion's hips, trying to tug him down closer, but when she opened my eyes she saw him looking down at her with a satisfied grin.

'Tease.' She whispered. And then she felt Tyrion nudging himself against her, the head of his cock just barely slipping into her folds, stopping at her opening to very lightly, very teasingly push against it.

'Please...' she whimpered and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips before fisting his cock and guiding himself to her core, rubbing against her, coating himself in the evidence of her desire.


'Is it dead yet?' Benjen called over to Jon, he was beating up a practice dummy in the courtyard.

'Uncle Benjen!' Jon said coming up to him happily.

'you've gotten bigger!' Benjen remarked it had been a while since he last visited Winterfell. 'out here all day? They didn't wanna leave you alone with a Lannister?' Benjen teased. 'You don't wanna enjoy the feast?' Benjen questioned.

'Lady Stark did not want to insult the Royal family by seating a bastard in their midst.' Jon admitted.

'Well you are always welcome at the wall,' Benjen assured him. 'no bastard has ever been turned away there.' an idea, not thought through at all sprung into jons head.

'So take me with you when you go back.' Jon suggested.


'Father will let me if you ask him.' Jon negotiated

'The wall isn't going anywhere.' Benjen reminded him.

'I'm ready.' Jon assured him.

'you don't understand what you'd be giving up, we have no families none of us father any sons-' Benjen explained.

'I don't care about that.' Jon told him honestly.

'You might.' Benjen told him 'if you knew what it meant... I better get inside and rescue your father from his guests.' Benjen said 'we will talk later.' he said giving Jon a pat. But the laughter of people approaching from the gate caught his attention he stood on guard as they approached.

'Hello Jon,' Fia said sweetly, 'we are not fighters I assure you, you can put down the blade.' Jon nodded embarrassed and sheathed his sword.

"My apologies my lady.' Jon told her, he knew of Fia. His father thought of Fia like a sister, wrote to her, sent her gifts and Fia sent things in return for all the stark children him included.

'It is good that a brave man such as yourself is guarding the royal family,' Fia told him sincerely. 'Your father told me that you are quite skilled with a blade.'

'He did?" Jon questioned.

'Of course, he is very proud of the man have become.' Fia told him.

'Your uncle is in the nights watch?' Tyrion questioned looking at the man headed into the castle for the feast.

'what are you doing back there?' Jon questioned, 'why wernt you are the feast?'

'Preparing for a night with your family.' Tyrion told him and Fia slapped his arm.

'We are not really the party people.' Fia told him.

'I've always wanted to see the wall,' Tyrion remarked taking a swig from his jug.

'You are Tyrion Lannister.' Jon remarked 'the Queen's brother.'

'My greatest accomplishment. And you... you are ned Starks bastard aren't you?' Jon turned away annoyed, that was not what defined him. 'Did I offend you? Sorry.' Tyrion said following him. 'But you are the bastard though.'

'Way to make friends Tyrion,' Fia muttered.

'Lord Eddard Stark is my father.' Jon told him

'And lady Stark is not your mother... making you the bastard...' Tyrion told him simply, 'let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget who you are or what you are the rest of the world will not, wear it like armor, that way it can never be used to hurt you,' Tyrion told him turning away from Jon.

'What the hell would you know about being a bastard?' Jon called after him

'All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes.' Tyrion told him grabbing Fia's hand before heading inside.

'Bye Jon,' Fia called as the heat of the feast hit her face. 'That smell...' Fia remarked her eyes watering.

'Maybe we just go back to bed?' Tyrion offered.

'Dance with me first, it would be rude not to at least be seen.' Fia told him, dragging out to the dance floor as music played around them. 

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