2. Jaime

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'Tyrion!' Fia exclaimed running up to him. 'Where did you go?' Fia questioned, Tyrion offered her a sad smile. "Tyrion?' so he told her, he told her everything but he couldn't look at her as he told her how foolish he had been, he didn't see her little heart break.

'Jaime and I were riding when we heard a scream, a woman ran out onto the road... clothes half torn off and two men on her heels Jaime scared away the men easily enough and I wrapped in my cloak... she was too scared to send up on her own so while Jaime hunted the rapers I took her to the nearest in and fed her.' Tyrion told Fia, 'her name was Tysha... she was an orphan and she was hungry.' Tyrion said softly 'together we finished off three chickens and a flog of wine.'

'A whole flog? Wow, you must have been as drunk as my brother on a Monday!' Fia teased. Tyrion looked up at her, her sweet face smiling down at him.

'I was always waiting for her to laugh at me... Look away embarrassed or ask me about my tall handsome brother I forgot about everything except Tysha and somehow I found myself in her bed.' Tyrion told her and Fia's face faltered.

'Oh...' she said sadly.

'She kissed me afterwards and sang me a song afterwards...' Tyrion told her. 'And by morning I was deep enough in life to ask her for her hand. A few lies a few drinks a few coin and one drunken septon and there you have it man and wife for a fortnight anyway until the septon sobered up and told my father.'

'What did Tywin do?' Fia questioned softly.

'First my father had Jaime tell me the truth. The girl was a whore... Jaime had arranged the whole thing, the ruse, the rapers all of it he thought it was time I had a woman in my bed.' Tyrion told her and Fia bit at her lip. 'after Jaime confessed my father brought in... my wife and gave her to his guards.'

'Oh Tyrion...' Fia said holding onto his hand.

'he paid her well a silver for each man and how many whores can demand that kind of price? he brought me into the barracks and made me watch by the end she had so much silver the coins were slipping through your fingers and rolling onto the floor...'

'You married a whore...' Fia remarked.

'I got married to a whore.' Tyrion told her sadly.

'And you didn't invite me?' She accused trying to bring light to a very awful situation.

'I'm sorry,' tyrion told her.

'Where is she now?' Fia asked

'She wasn't the girl for me it turns out.' Tyrion admitted.

'Well I could have told you that.' Fia told him

'Oh really?' Tyrion questioned. 'Who is the girl for me?'

'Me. Obviously.' Fia told him confidently. Tyrion looked her over she was his best friend he had loved her for ages but he never thought she would want him. Fia was beautiful. Long black baratheon hair in waves down her back. Tyrion thought he must have heard her wrong

'You?' He questioned hopefully.

'Me.' She confirmed. 'I could have told you ages ago that I'm going to be the girl you marry.' Tyrion smiled pleasantly getting closer to her. I could have saved you the hassle of marrying the wrong girl. You're not married to her anymore right?'

'Right,' he said softly stepping closer.

'I love you tyrion.' Fia told him. 'You're not allowed to marry anyone else but me.' Tyrion brought his lips to her.

'I love you too Fia.'

'Technically we are brother and sister... oooh scandalous!' Fia teased as he kissed her again.

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