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This is for you lalakane1 

+++ Epilogue+++


It flooded the capitol.

Robert was dead.

Renly was dead.

Stannis was dead.

Sofia... was dead.

Tyrion couldn't allow this. He couldn't. He pulled himself off the ground and wiped his eyes. There would be hell to pay. Blood spilled. Lannister blood.

It didn't take much to rally the townspeople. To convince them of Cersei's infidelity. A bastard on the throne. It was already circling in their minds.

"CORRUPTION! we reap what we sow and it is foul.' The man shouted Tyrion smirked the people hated Joffrey even more now. They wouldn't care when Tyrion did what needed to be done. 'Brother going to bed with sister, in the bed of kings and we are surprised that the fruit of incest is rotten?' A man shouted his people rallying around him. 'A rotten king! Killing the innocent and our dear Lady Sofia. Massacred for being pure of blood!'

'Yes a rotten King!" the crowd agreed.

'To a twisted demon monkey!' the man went on

They called tyrion a demon monkey and they were right. Tyrion was pulling strings but not the kings. He was manipulate the game. To get revenge for Fia.

But the hard part would be getting Clegane on Tyrion's side. At least that was what Tyrion thought.

"I'm going to ask something of you." Tyrion said slowly. "And i need you not to kill me." Sandor stared down at him wordlessly. "Alright... Sofia was... Is" he corrected. "the love of my life." Tyrion told him. "I need Joffrey dead. Cersei too." Sandor just stared down at him. "You are his sworn sword. I just need you to not stop me."

"You are going to kill the king?" Sandor questioned with a chuckle.

"I am going to kill the king". Tyrion confirmed.

"Good fucking riddance" sandor grumbled.

"You won't stop me?" Tyrion questioned

"Sofia was nice to me." Sandor told him. "I won't stand in your way."


Tyrion poured joffrey a glass of wine. Joffrey took it greedily.

"I'm glad you have gotten over...' Joffrey started to cough. "Aunt... Sof-" choking. He took another sip Tyrion watched as Joffreys face paled. "She was... a... traitor-" coughing and choking tyrion watched as Joffrey fell to the ground. Coughing up blood. That was when cersei came in she rushed to her sons side screaming for help, Tyrion knew poison was too good for Cersei, her death would be bloody.

'joffrey! Joffrey what is it? What's happened?' cersei questioned cradling Joffrey in her arms. His face turning pale as he gasped for breathe. 'joffrey!!" Cersei screamed out as she clung to joffrey. But no one came.

"Hound! Hound!" Cersei demanded when she saw tyrion coming towards her crossbow in hand. "Hound!" She screamed. "Take him! Take him now!" But sandor was nowhere in sight. "You killed my son." Cersei spat.

"I did. I killed him." Tyrion said but there was no joy in his eyes. For killing joffrey didn't bring Sofia back. But knowing Joffrey could not hurt anyone again. That almost dulled the pain.

"You monster. You will die for this!" Cersei spat.

"Watching your vicious bastard die gave me a fraction of relief. It gave me satisfaction in the world watching the life drain from his eyes." Tyrion told her. "You wanted her dead." Tyrion told her. 'My Fia. You never liked her because Robert loved her. You hated that I had something in my life that I loved. That made me happy. You hated that I was happy since you constantly tried to make my life miserable. Fia made me happy. Fia makes me happy and you hated it. You hated me and you hated her and now she's gone for the likes of you.' Tyrion spat. Crossbow pointed at her.

'Are you going to shoot me tyrion?' Cersei questioned letting joffrey's body fall to the floor.

'No. That would be too good for you.' Tyrion told her. 'Clegane.' Tyrion called. Sandor came in axe in hand.

'What's the meaning if this?' She said looking between them. Sandor handed Tyrion the axe before holding cersei down. She squirmed and screamed under sandors harsh grasp.

'Tyrion! I am the queen!' She demanded. 'The queen! Hound stop this! Stop this at once!'

'I'm not the strongest. It might take a few swings,' Tyrion warned a smile quirked on his lips as he swung down at her she scream in pain and then tyrion was crying sobbing swing after swing hacking into cersei until her head finally broke free. The axe slipped from Tyrion's hand cerseis blood oozing onto the floor.

'Thank you Clegane.' Tyrion said wiping at his eyes.

'I'm sorry they did that to her. To Sofia.' Sandor told him as tyrion walked away. It didn't bring her back but it felt good to end them.


'Who will be king?'

'Who will rule?'

'Not the imp!'

'I don't want it. I'm leaving.' Tyrion told them. He set off. He was going to sail and travel. He was going to hold tight to Fia's memory and try to move on. Spread the love Fia had to the world. When he closed his eyes he could still see her smiling face in his mind her laugh in his head. He would hold tight to her memory for the rest of his life.

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