Chapter 37 (Some mature parts)

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Kaia and Tricia spent the remainder of the afternoon and early evening together before heading back to the beach house. Kaia felt so relaxed around Tricia. They both had to giggle at times because they were both receiving worried texts and phone calls from Zayn. Wondering where they were, if they were alright and when were they coming home.

When they pulled up in front of the beach house, they could see Zayn pacing on the back deck.

"Go see him," Tricia said to Kaia as they got out of the taxi.

Kaia began to protest. "But shouldn't I meet the girls?" she asked.

"The girls can wait," Tricia said with a smile. "I think right now my son needs a little reassurance from you." She kissed Kaia's cheek and turned her towards the house.

Kaia smiled and bolted towards the house and rushed through it. Her heart was racing and she felt like she was going to burst. Tricia had given her such an outlook on Zayn that she truly hadn't seen before. The hours they spent talking about his childhood, and his need to take care of everyone, no matter what the circumstances made Kaia fall in love with him even more. But Tricia also understood Kaia's sometimes need for independence.

"Zayn!" She yelled his name and smiled when he turned around. Kaia literally flung herself into his arms and he spun her around. She grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.

Zayn held her tightly against him. Never wanting to let go. "Kaia," he said breathlessly as they pulled apart from their kiss.

"No," she protested and held her finger up to his lips. "Let me talk first."

"Okay," Zayn said and glanced back at the house. He saw his mum watching them, her smile wide. "Let's take a walk though," he said. Knowing his sisters would try to listen in. He took her hand and led her to the beach. The sun was just starting to set, casting a glow over the water.

They walked a bit and then Kaia stopped them and she turned to him, holding his hands.

"I need to apologize to you Zayn," she said as she held tightly to his hands.

"Kaia...." he started.

Kaia again held her hand up against his lips. "You promised I could go first," she said with a smile.

Zayn smiled back at her and nodded.

"I'm sorry for always running away when I get scared or nervous. It's just the way I've always been. It's what feels normal to me,' she said. "It's one of my very bad faults."

Zayn reached up and ran his fingers along her cheek, which caused her to blush. They sat down in the sand and faced each other.

"Talking with your mom today was...." she inhaled deeply. "It was eye opening. She made me realize that we all have our faults and that sometimes those faults are what makes us unique, and the people that love us, if they love us that deeply, those faults are something that shouldn't stand in the way of that love."

Kaia looked at Zayn who was watching her intently, but he was also listening. "Your mom and Harry both told me what happened with Perrie," she said softly. Not sure of how he was going to react to that news.

Zayn almost felt his heart stop. "They told you?" he questioned.

"Please don't be angry at them for telling me," she said. "They told me, I didn't ask." When she looked at him, he almost had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Zayn, please don't feel bad about it. It wasn't your fault. Just as with my real parents and the crap they still try to do to me, it isn't my fault."

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