Chapter 48

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Marian let Harry pull her inside. She couldn't believe how he was acting. She had never seen him like this before. She set her purse down on the kitchen counter as he continued to pull her into the house.

Harry spun her around to face him and crossed him arms. "I'm waiting Marian!" he yelled.

"Harry, it really isn't what it looks like," she said, her voice starting to shake.

"Really?" he said, almost with a sneer. "Don't lie to me Marian!"

"I'm not lying Harry!" she said.

"Tell me Marian," he said, his voice still full of anger. "How many times do you and Louis have lunch? How often do you see him?"

"What are you implying Harry?" she asked. She could see the fury in his eyes and it almost scared her.

"Answer the question, love." He said, his tone not very loving at the moment. "How often do you and my best friend have lunch?"

"Louis and I are just friends Harry," Marian said. "I would never betray you. I love you."

"If I've gotten the pictures, you can damn well be sure they're going to be in the rags in the morning!" Harry yelled. "Can you imagine the headlines Marian?!"

Harry stepped back towards the fridge and just watched her. Watched her body language. She was very on edge. "I see how he watches you Marian. I see how he acts around you. He wants you."

"What are you even talking about Harry," she said. "He does not."

"Yes he does. I've seen him do it! I see it Marian. I see how you flirt with him too. The attention that you give him! Do you think I don't notice that?" Harry shouted at her.

"No Harry!" Marian cried at him. She rushed to him and tried to grab his hands, but he pushed them away. Instead he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around so that she was backed against the fridge.

He moved his face closer to hers. His lips just mere centimeters away from hers. "Have you fucked him?" he whispered.

Marian reached up and slapped him in the face. She gasped loudly when she realized what she had done, but she was also horrified that he would ask her something like that. "How dare you even ask me that!"

She moved away from him, her eyes now filled with tears. "Maybe we should invite him into our bed Harry and he could give you a few lessons if you're feeling that inadequate!" she yelled and took off towards their bedroom.

She slammed the door behind her and locked it before lowering herself down, burying her face in her hands as she sobbed.

Harry followed her and tried to turn the door handle, but found that she had locked it. He pounded on the door with his fist.

"Damnit Marian let me in!" he yelled.

Marian jumped when he pounded on the door. "Go away Harry!"

"Open the fucking door!"


"Marian I swear to God," Harry continued to yell through the closed door.

Marian stood up and flung the door open, watching as he nearly fell from having his hands pressed against it.

"So tell me this Harry," she growled at him. "It's okay for you to go out to lunch with your 'lady' friends, but it's not okay for me to go out with my guy friends?" she said angrily.

"I don't flirt with my lady friends," he said as he stood in the doorway. "And I don't fuck them either. You are the only one I'm fucking!"

Marian crossed her arms against her chest. "Whatever Harry," she said and turned away from him. She walked into the closet and grabbed a duffel bag and started to throw some clothes into it.

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