Chapter 57

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The next week was a blur of activity for everyone. Kaia rehearsed with the boys one more time before they all headed out to the Caribbean. A private island to more precise. Actually it was Johnny Depp's private island. The boys had met him a few years ago at his house and Harry called him and asked if they could use his island for the wedding. Private. Just like he wanted. Only family, very close friends and the band knew where it was and what was going on. Harry made them all swear to secrecy with the promise of killing any of them if Marian found out.

Marian still tried to weasel it out of him where they were going and the only thing he would tell her was that it was somewhere warm and the waters were crystal blue.

She even went so far as to text Kaia. They still hadn't spoken but she figured if anyone knew what was going on it would be her.

Do you know where Harry is taking me on vacation?

Kaia was a bit surprised when she got the text. She wasn't really angry with Marian any longer. Still angry with herself. But she still couldn't bring herself to talk to her face to face or even on the phone yet.

What vacation? She texted back. Playing dumb.

Harry is taking me on vacation. Somewhere warm and tropical he says, and that little shit won't even tell me where. I was hoping you would know.

Nope. I had no idea you guys were even going anywhere before the tour.

How are things with you and Zayn?

Kaia didn't respond to that question. Have a great time wherever you are going.

Kaia packed her things for the wedding, as well as for the tour. After the wedding she and Zayn were heading to LA until the tour started, but she didn't know if he even wanted her to go along. So she packed everything that she had brought to London with her. She was thankful to him and Harry for paying the lease on their apartment for a year. At least she had a place to go back to if things didn't work out.

She still wasn't sure what was going on with her and Zayn as he was still at his mum's. He hadn't called or even sent a text. She texted Tricia and then talked to her on the phone. She apologized over and over again to her for what she had done. Tricia said that she understood why Kaia had done it, but she also scolded her for not telling Zayn and trusting in him.

Harry kept in close communication with Kaia as she was the one that had been able to find Marian's dream dress, as well as dresses for herself and the rest of the bridal party. Gemma, Sophia, Lottie and Lux. Lux was going to be the flower girl. It was hard keeping everything a secret from Marian as well as the press. They continued to follow everyone's move. Wherever they went and whatever they did.

Louis, Liam and Niall left London first. Followed by the families and then the band. They would be the ones to get to the island first and start the preparations. Louis told Harry that she better say yes. Harry told Louis he was worried she would totally freak out and start yelling at him.

Zayn texted Kaia and told her that he would meet see her on the island. That she should catch the flight without him. Her heart was still broken and his texts made the cracks even bigger.

I'll see you on the island.

Do you want me to pack your things?


And that was it. Nothing else. No call. No more texts. Kaia shut off her phone and headed to the airport to catch the private plane that Harry had arranged for her.

Zayn arrived at his house well after he knew Kaia would be gone. He couldn't say he was surprised when he saw most of her things packed and gone. But what did surprise him was that everything that she had purchased in London, was still either hanging in the closet or folded neatly in the dressers. He had some deep conversations with not only his mum but with his dad as well. He told them both that he was still deeply in love with Kaia. And he had told them what had occurred with her and Perrie. With a heavy heart, he began to pack and then head to the airport. His flight would arrive well before Harry and Marian but well after Kaia's. He still didn't know if he could talk to her without yelling and being angry.

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