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Harry and Marian had spent five undisturbed days on Richard Branson's private island. Their love grew more and more each day. They learned things about each other that they hadn't known. They took silly pictures of each other and together, but never shared with anyone. Those would be their own special moments.

When it was time to go, they flew to LA where they would meet up with everyone in final preparations for the tour which kicked off in Sydney, Australia. While on the flight to California, Harry sent out a few tweets, which ultimately caused Twitter to shut down.

He tweeted a picture of Marian in her wedding dress on the beach from the day of the wedding with the line; Off the market?

His next tweet an hour later was a picture of their hands with their rings with the line; Officially off the market.

Marian just shook her head at him.

When they arrived at LAX, there was a throng of paparazzi and news crews waiting for them. They had to push their way through the crowds to get to the vehicle.

Management had set up a news conference for them and they told the world in their own words that Harry Styles was officially a married man.

Twitter once again exploded. Most of it was love and accolades from fans and famous friends, but there was still the hate. That was something that would never go away.

Once in LA, they met up with everyone and the boys had rehearsals several times. And Zayn, along with Julian, had convinced Kaia to go into the studio to record some songs. She still wasn't too sure about it and didn't know if she wanted anything to come of it. The whole thing still made her nervous. She didn't want to be 'anyone', she just wanted to be happy with Zayn.

Their relationship had gotten better since they got back to the beach house. Taking the time to talk to each other, even if it was about the little things. There was no more hiding of anything.

Kaia and Marian also worked on their relationship a lot more as well. They spent a lot of time together just like old times. And they also packed up their old apartment. Now that Harry and Marian were married it didn't make much sense for them to keep it. Zayn had bought the beach house and that would be their home when in California and Harry already had his home there. But he told Marian that if she wanted to live somewhere else, she had her pick of any house she wanted.

"Baby, just go," Kaia said. "You have to go or you're going to miss your flight." She leaned over the toilet again and threw up.

Zayn held back her hair. He didn't want to leave her. She had been throwing up everyday for five days straight.

"I think it's just the sushi I ate," she said as she pulled herself up off the floor. She went to the sink and brushed her teeth and washed her face.

"Kaia, that was almost a week ago," Zayn said as he handed her a towel. "I'm really worried."

Kaia hugged him when she was done cleaning up. "I know you are," she said as she took his hand and led him back to the bedroom, where she immediately crawled under the covers. She patted the spot next to her for him to sit down.

He took her hand and kissed it. "I'm going to call the guys and tell them I'm not....."

"No you're not!" Kaia scolded. "You are going to get on that plane in four hours with your brothers and you are going to fly to Sydney with them."

"Kaia," he began to protest.

She sat up and poked him in the chest with her finger. "Zayn!"

"Kaia, I can't just leave you when you're sick!"

"You can and you will," she said. "Besides, your mother is on her way."

"Mum is coming?"

Kaia nodded. "I called her and asked her to come because I knew you would be stubborn about this if I didn't feel better."


"But nothing," she said. "Now don't argue with me. If I'm not better by tomorrow, I promise I will go to the doctor. Ok?"

"What time does mum get here?"

Kaia glanced at the clock. "In about six hours."

Zayn pulled her into his arms and held her close. He wished he knew what was wrong with her. The thought of leaving her alone was tearing him up inside.

His phone buzzed. It was Louis. He was waiting outside in the car that was taking them to the airport. "It's Louis."

"Time for you to go," she said. She too hated for him to go, but she wasn't going to admit that to him.


"Baby please," she begged him. "As soon as I'm feeling better, I will fly to wherever you are, ok."

Zayn's phone buzzed again.

"You have to go."

Zayn held her face in both hands and kissed her deeply. Letting his tongue stroke hers. Despite not feeling well, she couldn't help but moan and clung to him.

"Go to the doctor," he pleaded with her. "Please."

"I will," she said. "Tomorrow. Now I just want to sleep."

Zayn tucked her back in. "I love you Kaia," he whispered as she was practically asleep.

He hurried outside and got in the car.

"Where's Kaia?" Louis asked.

"She's sick," Zayn said sadly. "Been throwing up for five days in a row now."

Louis smirked. "She forced you to leave didn't she?"

"Yeah," Zayn said as they drove away. "Mum is on her way to stay with her."

"That's good."

"She said she'll fly out when she's better," he said as he watched the house get smaller as they drove away.

Tricia walked into the beach house in search of Kaia and found her in the bathroom with her head in the toilet.

She held back Kaia's hair as she kept throwing up. Once she was done, she helped her back to bed.

"So," she said. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, putting a cool cloth on Kaia's forehead.

"About two weeks," Kaia said, groaning as another wave of nausea hit her. "I think I have food poisoning."

Tricia arched an eyebrow at her. "For two weeks?"

"The flu?"

Tricia smoothed back Kaia's hair. "I think we need to make an appointment with the doctor."

Kaia's eyes widened. "Why? What's wrong with me?"

"I think my sweet child," Tricia said. "You're going to have a baby."

SEXY AS-Book 1 In The Sexy As SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now