Chapter 60

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Harry kissed her hand and smiled at her again.  "Are you ready?" he asked quietly.

    Marian could only nod her head and together they stepped closer to the officiant.    While the officiant droned on words about marriage and togetherness, she could only look at Harry.  She couldn't believe that they were here doing this.  Getting married.  She hated to admit that most of the ceremony was a blur to her. 

    "If there is anyone here who thinks that these two should not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace," the judge said. 

    Zayn could see Louis' shoulders rise up in tension.  He gently touched his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.  He somehow seemed to know that Louis' feelings for Marian ran pretty deep.  Even though he would never admit it to anyone at all.  Louis seemed to relax a bit, but the tension was still there.

    Marian couldn't help but glance over Harry's shoulder at Louis who was looking out at the ocean.  She quickly averted her eyes back to the man in front of her.  She jumped when she felt Kaia's hand on her shoulder.

    "Give me your flowers," she whispered.

    "Oh," she said with a giggle and handed the flowers over.

    Zayn watched Kaia as she took Marian's flowers.  Her beauty stunned him. The sparkle in her eyes.  The way her hair shined in the sun.  He thought that she was beautiful no matter what she wore.  Make up or no make up.  But today her beauty was incredible.   Beyond words, beyond emotions.  While Marian was beautiful in her wedding dress, he thought that Kaia's beauty surpassed it.  As he watched Harry and Marian, who both seemed a bunch of nervousness, part of him wished it was he and Kaia standing there together.  He looked at Kaia's face and knew he had gotten caught staring.  He smiled at her again.  And he hoped today was the start of their journey back to each other.

    "Harry, please repeat after me." The officiant said

    Harry held Marian's hands tightly in his and repeated the words that would seal them as husband and wife.

    "Marian, before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.  I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths.  I will help you when you need help and will turn to you when I myself need help.  I choose you as the person I will spend my life with."

    Marian fought back the tears as she listened to his words.

    "Marian," the officiant said.  "It's your turn.  Please repeat after me."

    "Harry, before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.  I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths.  I will help you when you need help and will turn to you when I myself need help.  I choose you as the person I will spend my life with."

    She exhaled the breath she had been holding.  When she looked back up at Harry, he was still smiling.

    "The rings please," the officiant asked. 

    Kaia handed Marian the ring for Harry and Louis handed Harry the one for Marian.

    "Harry, place the ring on Marian's finger and repeat after me."

    Harry slowly slid the diamond encrusted wedding band onto her ring finger.  After he did he kissed her hand.

    "Marian, this ring that I give you, my personal gift and my promise, a promise of love, trust and pride that you are my wife.  We will wear these rings and the world will know that you are mine and that I am forever yours."

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