Chapter 1 - A Royal Visit

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You were walking through the large garden as you were enjoying the fresh summer breeze and sun rays

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You were walking through the large garden as you were enjoying the fresh summer breeze and sun rays. It had been pretty bad weather the past few days which left you stuck inside all the time, therefore, this morning when you opened your eyes and saw it wasn't raining for a change you decided to have an early morning stroll before breakfast.

Your mother was often awake before you but today was an exception, which gave you the opportunity to go for a walk.

A sudden sound of branches cracking made you turn your head back. You weren't experiencing any sort of fear considering nobody would be able to get into this place but the sound did startle you.

As soon as your eyes met those of the familiar boy in the distance you couldn't help but smile. The boy in question smiled back, his eyes twinkled and his mouth formed a bunny-like smile.

'Isn't this a little early for you to have your stroll princess?' he asked as he approached you.

You shook your head 'It's y/n, and after those rainy days I didn't want to miss a chance to enjoy the sun'

'As you are my princess I have to address you as such' he answered, as he did every time that you told him not to.

'but as my lifelong friend and now personal knight I feel this is a too formal way to call me.' He shook his head but you didn't stop there, you pouted 'you wouldn't want me to call you a knight every time instead of Jungkook now would you?'

Jungkook made an appalled face and shook his head 'please don't'

You chuckled but this time didn't nag on about it, you knew he had to address you by your title. Everyone had to.

Well, everyone except for your mother

'The queen is requesting your presence at breakfast' Jungkook stated formally

you frowned a little 'that sounds serious'

Jungkook slightly nodded as if he knew more about it

'Did she invite another prince to introduce me to?' you asked as you were expecting this could very much be a possibility for Jungkook's seriousness.

'You do know your mother very well' Jungkook answered, which told you enough for sure.

You groaned in annoyance 'and I started this day so nicely, why does she have to ruin it?'

You started walking back to the

'She just wants you to be happy'

'I am happy without a stupid prince' you replied. Jungkook let out a chuckle 'at some point someone, the right person will catch your eyes I am sure of it'

You groaned

The truth was that somebody already had, or better said two...

One was quite intense but that didn't work out while the other one was your biggest secret. And no it wasn't the knight next to you. It was his brother, who was leading the ARMY of your kingdom and therefore hardly ever around.

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