Chapter 2 - The Pleasure Is All Mine

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The following day you weren't awake as early as the previous one. You also didn't wake up in the same happy mood.

Today King Kim and his son would arrive, which for you meant that you'll have to dress up and make preparations for the majority of the morning.

Not really your favourite activity

Solar was braiding your hair while Yujin was applying some makeup.

'Are you excited to meet the prince?' Solar asked with a little giggle.

'Not really, but I should keep an open mind' you replied

'From the stories we have heard he must be truly handsome' Yujin said.

Solar and Yujin always had some gossip or information on the princes you were going to meet. Merchants, who traveled throughout the kingdoms, would often seek their attention and both of them mainly used this as a way to gather information about other kingdoms.

'So what did you two girls hear about this prince, aside from the fact he is handsome? I have met handsome princes before,' you asked.

Yujin smirked 'this prince has a reputation'

'What kind of reputation?' you asked even though you already had an idea what she meant, especially because of her smirk.

'He is a real charmer and has his ways to easily get into a girls' heart'

'Or their bedroom' Solar added

You rolled your eyes, and your resolution to keep an open mind became more and more challenging.

'Okay all done' Solar and Yujin exclaimed proudly in unison after a few hours. You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror.

'Wow you two are magicians, I look quite beautiful' you said to the two girls.

Solar laughed as if you said something really funny 'you are beautiful y/n'

You liked this new dress, some time ago during dinner your mother asked the dresser to show you some ideas and you had to pick your preferences. Thinking about it now the chances are likely she was already plotting this introduction weeks ago..

Just as you checked yourself in the mirror again there was a knock on the door

'Princess y/n, your mother asks if you are ready to join her' Jungkook's voice echoed from behind the door

'Are you ready to go?' Solar asked

'I am ready' you repeated with a whisper

Yujin put her hand on your shoulder 'It will be fine princess, if you dislike him it's also okay and he will be soon on his way out of the kingdom again'

You smiled into the mirror

'You're right, probably sooner than later.'

You turned back to face them again

'Thank you both'

Accompanied by Jungkook you arrived at the main hall, where you would regularly welcome new guests.

'You look beautiful my daughter' your mother said with sincerity and you could also detect she was thankful you agreed with this idea of hers.

'You as well, mom' you said while placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Soon after the announcer walked in to explain that the king and prince had arrived. King Kim walked in as first, and you immediately recognized him. Although 3 years had passed since you last saw him it didn't look as if he had aged a day.

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