Chapter 28 - Tensions

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You kept staring blankly ahead of you although you were sensing Hoseok's eyes on you. It didn't matter, not right now.

The king came closer and Taehyung nudged you softly which made you turn your gaze at King Jung.

'Words cannot describe how sorry I am for your loss, princess y/n' King Jung was very sincere and you appreciated that very much.

He had that same sadness and pity in his eyes that everyone else had.

'Thank you King Jung' you answered but emotionless.

'Y/n' Hoseok started but King Jung coughed

'Princess Y/n' Hoseok corrected himself, as if he needed to address formally. You'd laugh out loud if there weren't so many people gawking at you in this room.

You were past formalities with Prince Hoseok.

'Thank you Prince Jung' you answered in the exact same way you answered his father.

That clearly wasn't to Hoseok's liking.

'Thank you as well for coming' King Kim added

'Of course, considering how close our families once were, the queen's death comes with an unimaginable loss'

'murder' you let out

everyone fell silent

'y/n' Taehyung whispered

You looked at him and he slightly nodded

'Yes an unimaginable loss indeed' you said instead

An awkward silence followed

'Would you go with me for a walk outside?' Hoseok asked with a bit of doubt

'I am sure you two have a lot to catch up to' King Jung said with a hesitant smile.

He must also understand how unconventional his son's exit last time was.

Next to you, you noticed how Taehyung shifted in his place.

It wasn't the best position to be in but then again, you hadn't talked to Hoseok since his "departure" and a part of you was curious what he had to say.

'I will' you finally replied which made Hoseok sigh in relief.

Taehyung followed you and Hoseok with his eyes as you left to go outside.

He knew you had some sort of history, though he didn't know much details about it, but for some reason that wasn't what made him most worried at the moment.

The image of the queen suffocating after eating her food kept replaying in his mind

Although he nudged you when you called it murder he was very sure that that was exactly what it was.

And what kept him up at night and worried sick was that he wasn't sure if only your mother was a target.

What if you were?

That's why, whenever you'd leave his sight he got uneased.

His eyes searched for Jungkook to make sure you at least had some protection.

It felt almost ironic to Taehyung how he hated to see him at your sight all the time to now making sure that he was.

Luckily he did see Jungkook follow you and Hoseok on a distance. He could at least count on Jungkook to care for your safety as much as he did himself.

Outside it was you and Hoseok walking next to each other in silence. your black dress in contrast to the remains of the snow that was still lying on the ground.

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