Chapter 22 - Crystal Snow

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'I have news from King Kim' your mother started carefully when you were nearing the end of dinner.

Immediately you were alerted, you hated the effect this damn prince had on you.

'Okay' you said while trying to sound as unbothered as possible

'Prince Taehyung will not be joining his father'

She stated it so quickly, like a band-aid that she released without hesitation to relieve the pain

You weren't entirely sure whether you were relieved or not. It was rather confusing and frustrating that you want to see a person that had caused you pain. Developing feelings for him surely was not the best thing that had happened to you this year.

'Okay' you replied, and your mother also didn't push on it further.

However, as the date of King Kim's arrival was approaching the more you realized it was a good thing that Taehyung didn't join. You were a lot more relaxed about it. Though you wondered whether the King would mention something about his son, what he had been up to the past months, whether he had a message for you.

It would be a lot easier than to face him that much you were sure of.

You even started to become excited about king Kim's arrival, especially because you knew it would make your mother happy. You still weren't 100% convinced that she didn't secretly feel more for the king but that wasn't the important thing now. The palace was transformed and all the staff was busy with the preparations needed for the celebrations.

There was a ball of course but more things were happening, a sports game, a sword fight, and next to that a little Christmas market with child-friendly games.

Today it was finally the day that King Kim would arrive. You were standing next to your mother, as you were waiting to welcome the king.

'Are you nervous?' You teased your mother

'Why on earth would I be nervous?' She said, but still, you saw her eyeing the door.

At that moment the king stepped into the room. A smile on his face as he looked at your mother.

'It is lovely to see you' he greeted your mother first, as was custom and then he turned to you.

'Princess y/n, it is good to see you again' he said to you

'Likewise, I hope the journey was not too difficult' you answered

He swallowed for a moment, which showed you that something was coming.

'My son ended up joining me, I apologize for not informing you sooner, he decided it a mere hour before my departure.'

Your mother's eyes diverted to you, she could probably detect that you had frozen completely.

Taehyung is here?

'I hope it is not too much of an inconvenience' the king added

'Certainly not, I will immediately ask the maids to prepare his room' your mother responded

Before anyone could say anything else the prince walked in

There he was, he was wearing a blue coat with a lighter blue gilet underneath it. Around his neck was a white bow. He looked magical.

Did he even become more beautiful in that time? was that even possible?

He gazed at you as well, he didn't seem certain of what to do but a stern look from his father made him approach the three of you.

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