Chapter 9 - Golden Locks

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A bath, a book, and a glass of red wine.

In other words; a perfect evening for you.

You sometimes treated yourself on evenings like these. The only thing that you disliked was how fast the water would turn cold, you liked it to be very warm.

Though, you weren't complaining.

You just got out of the bath, you dressed in a comfortable gown, and moved to the couch.

After three glasses of wine, you weren't drunk or anything but you were feeling a little intoxicated. A happy high you could call it and that happy feeling sparked the idea to go on an adventure through the castle.

You had done it before as your urge to explore was magnified by the alcohol in your system. Jungkook probably wouldn't be around at this time anymore, assuming you'd go to bed. Plus it wasn't as if he needed to guard you every single minute of every day, you were in your own home after all.

As you peeked in the hallway you noticed it was empty and you decided to fully walk into the hallway. It was the same hallway as ever yet it felt a little exciting.

When you turned around the corner you did see someone in the distance. This person was walking towards you and soon you could recognize his features


'Hey golden locks' you greeted the boy in front of you with a chuckle.

Jimin gave you a bright smile

'Princess y/n, what are you doing wandering the halls at this time at night?' Jimin asked curiously

'I could ask you the same' you replied to him

'First' Jimin started while holding one finger into the air 'I am not a princess like you.'

'You could be one, a pretty one' you interrupted him but it was a compliment, right?

Jimin smiled but continued 'secondly I was bored so I decided to go on an adventure.'

'Just like me!' you happily exclaimed

'Did princes y/n drink a little?' Jimin chuckled

You pushed your index finger to your mouth

'Shht it's our secret okay?'

'Of course'

'But bored? Where is the prince?' you then asked

'He is occupied I am afraid' Jimin answered but in the way he said it he already hinted at what the prince was occupied with.

'Of course he is' you replied with an eye roll

Jimin stayed silent

'So why are you not "occupied"?' you asked him

Jimin shrugged 'I don't know, wasn't feeling it tonight'

'You're up for a walk then?' you suggested

Jimin looked at you confused 'a walk with me?'

'Yes who else would I be talking to' you said to him as you obscurely looked around the empty hallway

'Okay princess' he agreed with a smirk.

'But don't get any wrong ideas in your head' you quickly said

'I wouldn't dare to' he replied in a teasing voice

You walked side by side through the castle. A part of you was dying to know more about Jimin, mainly because you did spend considerable time already with him (always with the prince there as well) but you don't have a clue who he really is. He seemed caring and funny but that was still your superficial judgment.

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