Chapter 23 - The Truth Untold

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You shook your head at Jimin

'If there is anything that prince Taehyung wants me to know he can tell me himself'

If you were completely honest with yourself you were rather curious about the content of the prince's letter.

Jimin sighed

'Taehyung would kill me if he knew I was here with this, he doesn't even know I have it'

The guilt was written over Jimin's face, the fact he was betraying his friend. It intrigued you, you had to admit that.

'So why are you giving me this against your prince's wishes?' you ended up asking him.

'Because I see two people that I care for miserable and in pain because so much has been left unsaid'

You stared at Jimin as the words echoed through your mind. So much has been left unsaid.

You weren't too sure how to respond to that. In your silence, Jimin reached out to hand you the letter which you took. It was almost as an automatic pilot that you took the letter.

'I will leave you to it, but know this wasn't the first letter he wrote. He wrote many, this was the last one' Jimin explained

'Thank you Jimin' you uttered out

'Good night princess' he said as he bid his farewell

You moved towards your bed and stared at the closed envelope in your hand. It didn't have a name on it. You wondered if Jimin put it in the envelope or that he simply checked the envelope to see to whom the letter was addressed. How else would he know right?

You sighed deeply as you sat down. It annoyed you that you were so affected by the situation with Taehyung.

Why were you still so affected?

He didn't necessarily do anything wrong, or at least not something that you agreed that he wouldn't do. The deal was he would be discreet about it.

Perhaps it was the fact that you started to become closer, as you confided in him as he did to you. and because you had admitted your feelings for him.

So many thoughts went through your mind about what could be in the letter, you were curious yet you were a little scared to read its contents.

--My-- princess y/n,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I admit that I do not know how to start this letter. It has been some time since you heard from me and during that time I set some pretty hurtful things. I can imagine that you do not wish to hear from me at all. Yet I cannot restrain myself from reaching out to you as I do want to give you some form of explanation of what happened that night.

I think the most important thing I wanted to convey is that you weren't imagining it and you didn't make it up in your mind.

You really weren't

As you are aware, the day after the ball my father asked me to go for a hunt. I didn't think much of it although it was rather random. Little did I know this was his way of getting some alone time in order to speak to me about you.

He said that he could see the affection in my eyes for you. He said he was losing hope of me finding someone but now that I had that it was time to make it really official. He gave me his late mother's wedding ring.

I was terrified

The reason why it scared me was because I knew he was right, but that scared me only more

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