Chapter 20 - Favorite Crime

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You arrived in your chambers and at first, you were unable to admit your emotions. You didn't want to shed a tear for what he had done. You sat on your bed, and the image of prince Taehyung kept repeating in your brain. The girl on his lap, the drunk movements he made, and how he desperately followed you outside.

Then you let out a sound that somewhat seemed like a chuckle. You had been warned and you even told Taehyung the other day that he was this way, yet you let yourself be deceived by his words.

His suggestion that he could change.

At the end that wasn't even the point, the point was that you had started to care for him. Or better said started to feel for him but he had betrayed you. You shook your head, he didn't actually betray you, you weren't together for real, yet you felt like he betrayed you.

You took a deep breath as the image of him, and the girl kissing entered your mind again.

And then the times you spend with him in which you were at first quite disgusted by him but that slowly changed. Like the time you were at the dinner party when you escaped the palace grounds, or the dance of the other day.

You hadn't imagined it all. You didn't misinterpret it.

But perhaps it was one of his twisted games to get to you, maybe he was pissed off that you denied him from the start and found it a nice challenge. From the stories you heard from Solar, it was plausible.

Right at that moment, the memory of your father came to you, the way he often consoled you in times when you were upset. It had always been him that could read your feelings the best and also the one that knew exactly what to say in those moments.

So, when he passed away your mother was, first of all, struggling with her own feelings and emotions but secondly, she was at a loss for what to do with you.

You fell back on the bed staring at the ceiling. Remembering your father's smile and his kindness in times you needed it so much.

'You aren't weak when you cry y/n, I'd say it is a sign of strength when you can give in to your emotions'

His words echoed through your brain, and it gave you the strength to actually cry for a moment.

The release of hurt you felt when you saw prince Taehyung kiss that other girl, and as well tears for your father that you truly missed.

You felt stupid for allowing yourself to develop anything for the prince, to begin with, but then again you also challenged his ideas of not trusting love because of his parents. You cannot protect yourself completely from being hurt if you want to live.

But did it hurt?

Without a doubt

The following day Taehyung woke up in his bed with the worst headache in ages. In the first minute, he was confused about where even was until he realised he was just in his own bed.

Damn, he did drink a lot yesterday.

What even happened?

Images of hunting with his father came to mind and then vague flashes of Hybe. Suddenly he froze as he recalled exactly what he did.

He ended up completely drunk at Hybe with the girl on his lap and you were there.

What were you even doing there?

He recalled the anger in your eyes as you looked at him. He couldn't blame you for it though.

He practically jumped out of bed, which was a dumb move considering his awful hangover.

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