Chapter 25 - Stay

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In the meantime, you were pacing up and down in your chambers.

The touch of Taehyung's lips lingered on yours. He had such soft lips.

This isn't right

It was what he had said right after the kiss, but if kissing someone felt like that how could it not be right?

If kissing took your breath away it was right, right?

You were also painfully aware that you were very much part-taking in the kissing. pushing yourself closer to him, roaming his hair.

Yes, definitely a participant.

Until he pushed you away that was.

You groaned loudly.

Maybe you overreacted and you should have given him time to explain but you were just so embarrassed and your pride was hurt when his first reaction to the kiss was a "this isn't right"

It seemed so utterly random. Especially after his entire confession, Taehyung loved you. It was hard to understand this guy.

If someone is in love they want to kiss you, that was one thing from all the books you read that was hardly deniable.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Your heart skipped a beat because your assumption was that it might be the prince who wanted to talk things through. Although, it was certainly dinner time so that would mean he would have left dinner with your mother and the king at a random point which seemed very unlikely.

'Princess y/n, your mother asked me to deliver your dinner to your room.' you heard from the other side of the door. It was not Taehyung's voice.

You quickly rushed to open it and were faced by Chan. The Kitchen help, or rather the help of the cook. He was about your age but had been part of the kitchen staff for quite some time now. He started very young and was taken as an apprentice by the head cook. but apparently being part of the apprentice also meant bringing food around to princesses who were too stubborn to join the regular dinner.

He smiled at you while stepping forwards to put the tray with food in your room. He walked to the table and placed it there.

'Thank you Chan' you said.

'I hope you enjoy your dinner princess' he answered with a bow.

After Chan left the room you sat down and you stared at the soup in front of you, in all honesty, you weren't hungry at all.

You sighed, you had to eat anyway and you'd better not let that soup go cold. You sat down and grabbed the spoon. your mind wandered off to Taehyung again and the whole ordeal that had passed today.

Men are so tiresome sometimes, but you were annoyed with yourself too. Because even though yet again you were angry, a part of you wished Taehyung would stay. You realized how much you missed him now that he was back.

However, before you were able to take your first bite the door flew open and Taehyung stood there.

You annoyingly sighed because it was bad manners to just open the door like that without any notice.

'I don't want to see y-' before you could finish the sentence he rushed your way and hit the spoon out of your hand

You froze, too stunned to speak really

Taehyung didn't explain but now grabbed the bowl of soup and threw it on the ground as well

then he reached for your face

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