Chapter 11 - Adventure

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You were, as often, enjoying your morning walk. You were considering what to do today and wondered if Taehyung wanted to do some sword fight practice together. You stopped walking for a moment, was it seriously coming to a point that this was the first thing you considered? He really was becoming a friend it seemed.

Although Taehyung was nowhere to be found anyways, not during breakfast and still not.

Just at that moment, Jungkook approached you from a distance. You waved happily at him. But there was also a mixed feeling of confusion and a hint of guilt, why did you not think of training with Jungkook first?

'Jungkook how are you today?' you asked as he reached you

'I am doing well princess y/n, how are you?

'Same, enjoying the morning sun'

You both walked on side by side

'So what is on the planning today princess?' Jungkook asked

You took a deep breath 'I think it is a nice day for horseriding' You had completely got away from the idea of training altogether. Riding by yourself might clear your mind a little.

Jungkook looked up at the clear blue sky above the both of you

'It certainly is' he agreed

'I was actually thinking of going back to my chambers to change clothes and leave right after'

'I will walk you if that is fine with you'

'It certainly is' you smiled.

When you arrived at your chambers you bid your farewell

'I can find my way to the stables by myself' you said to Jungkook. It wasn't necessarily a hint for him to go away but rather an instruction that he didn't have to wait.

He gave you an understanding nod

'be careful princess'

'I won't go far' you reassured him

'I know.. but still'

'I'll be careful' you repeated his words

This time Jungkook couldn't help but smile a little.

'In that case, have fun and I will see you later'

'See you later Jungkook'

After dressing up in a more comfortable dress you made your way to the stables. It was still a dress but not one that screamed royal, it was more plain and common. That was pretty logical as well as it was way more practical for riding the horse.

You greeted your horse and first patted him attentively.

This horse, named Vincent, was the one that had been with you for years. It was odd to admit but you had such a strong connection to this animal, perhaps because you grew up together in a sense. He was loyal to you and above all, he gave you something you longed for so much;


It was you and vincent riding at a high speed, no castle, no knights no maidens no mother. Just nature

Of course, you were lucky to have such a huge piece of land that you could ride far and still be in the safety of your own land.

Besides, you sometimes would go past the boundaries of that land, near the mountains where there was a beautiful waterfall.

It was your favorite place.

You never told Jungkook you went there though, you knew how serious he was about his task and responsibility to keep you safe so it was at the start even difficult to convince him to let you ride all by yourself.

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