Chapter 6 - A Terrible Idea

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'Princess y/n, are you serious?'

You stared at Jungkook, he had never really used this kind of tone before. He was dumbfounded but there was also a bit of irritation in his voice that you didn't appreciate so much.

'Yes, I mean why wouldn't I be?' you replied while trying your best to hide any stutter. You had to be confident because you were basically lying to a friend that has known you your whole life.

You hated lying to him.

'You have constantly said how you dislike him' Jungkook said while lifting his shoulders in incomprehension.

'I did yes, but during the ball the day before yesterday I changed my mind'

Another lie

'The next day you were still bashing on him?'

'Yes well he asked for a chance and I am giving it to him I don't understand why you are attacking me for it' you let out impatiently.

Jungkook sighed, he visibly calmed down a bit more

'I am just worried, princess y/n. He is bad news, you know he flirts and sleeps around with everything that catches his eye'

It really wasn't a secret, but mentioning that right after you told him you will be courting that didn't sit well with you either. You didn't want to discuss this anymore with Jungkook. 

Maybe it was naïve to think he would take it easy but this kind of pushback is not what you envisioned either.

'Are you not speaking a bit too candid with me, knight Jeon?' you replied

Jungkook completely stiffened

'I apologise, my princess, I overstepped' he said with a bow.

Your stomach immediately dropped because you hated this moment, you hated that you pulled the rank card, but Jungkook was pushing your buttons.

'Kook' you let out as he was turning around to leave.

He looked back at you

'I am sorry'

He remained silent

'I know you might not understand but please try to respect my choice. I am tired of meeting new princes and I know mom worries so it will put her mind to rest for the moment'

'for the moment?'

Well shit

'yes or longer.... let's see how it goes' you said 

'okay, but be careful, I don't want to see your feelings get hurt like they did the last time with Prince Hos-..'

You held up your hand to interrupt Jungkook mid-sentence, not wanting to hear his name. Jungkook shut his mouth directly.

'I won't, I learnt from that. I won't be foolish enough to repeat that mistake' you assured him but the worry didn't really leave Jungkook's eyes.

The conversation earlier with your mother was a lot easier for sure. After Taehyung made his proposal you told him you needed 24 hours to make up your mind and you'd let him know the next day before breakfast, which was today.

Your mind had been going back and forth on the matter. It did sound like a stupid idea because you couldn't really stand him but then again if you agreed it would mean your mother would finally get off your back.

Plus spending time with the Prince might provide a chance to get to know him and be friends. Yes so far you disliked the guy because on every occasion he mentioned something sexually but if you set clear boundaries you might get to see a different person behind the player.

And that is exactly what you did. You told Taehyung that you'd agree but in no way there would be any physical contact, except when necessary such as while dancing. If he were to go over that boundary your deal would be off.

After telling Taehyung your answer, you both went to breakfast and declared the news to your parents. Obviously, your mother was beyond happy but King Kim also seemed very supportive of this idea. Maybe he had his hopes up that his son would finally be able to commit to one girl instead of a dozen.

The poor man

You did feel a bit bad about deceiving both your mother and the King but you shook that one off really quickly. It was a little white lie. Your mother would have fewer worries and for the king, well.. You weren't sure what good this might do for him but as he was smiling so brightly at you you were sure there would be something.

After breakfast, you wanted to tell Jungkook. After all, he was your knight but also a close friend.

You figured that the news, especially within the castle, would spread like a wildfire. If there was one place where people loved to gossip about everyone and anyone it was within the castle walls. Therefore you wanted to speak to Jungkook first so that he would hear it from you. Hyujin and Solar probably would already know by the time you got back to your chambers so you didn't bother rushing for that.

Instead, after the talk with Jungkook, you sat outside in the sun and grabbed your book. You just needed a little escape and peace of mind.

Which was exactly what the story in your book could provide you.

Taehyung on the other hand sat outside while his best friend was ranting on and on about what a terrible idea this was.

'But seriously Taehyung, why did you come up with this plan? Your parents are not even pressuring you to get married. Now we have to stay here for some time' Jimin said indignantly.

Taehyung looked away, to be honest, he wasn't sure how to explain it.

There was just something in you, the encounters you had so far where he got intrigued.

'It's not a bad idea to stay somewhere for some time, plus have you seen all the girls here.' he eventually said to Jimin, knowing that would be a good approach to convince his friend.

'Yes I have eyes, they are beautiful but you will need to spend time with the princess. Weren't you saying before we came here how you hate princesses because they are stuck up and boring?'

'I did say that yes, but perhaps I spoke too soon'

Taehyung chuckled 'she surely challenges me'

Jimin halted from walking back and forth and stared at the prince

'Wait, you decided to stay because of her? You don't like her do you?'

Taehyung laughed out loud 'no of course not, have you forgotten who you are talking to?'

Jimin stared at him still in incomprehension. He wasn't too sure what to believe. Yes, he knew who was talking to, and how Taehyung was indeed the last person to like someone so soon. But on the other hand, it was also the very first time his friend made such an impulsive decision about staying somewhere. Plus the entire setup of fake courting seemed far-fetched, they could just stay without him courting the princess.

'You are thinking too much Jimin' Taehyung sighed as he shook his head

I like the challenge, y/n is so hellbent on denying and annoying me but I will break through it'

Jimin shook his head, this line of reasoning made more sense for the prince. It was true indeed that princess y/n had not given Taehyung anything, no sense of affection, something that wasn't really known to him.

'You should have started with that..' Jimin sighed 

'fine, but you have some real issues, my friend'

Taehyung chuckled

'That's nothing new now is it?' 


A/n: So y/n agreed do you think she will regret it? or will Taehyung? ;) 

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