Chapter 4 - Way Cuter

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After dinner, you immediately sought an excuse to retreat to your chambers. You couldn't believe your mother didn't tell you earlier about the ball, you could have expected it for sure but you hated that she hid it this way. The personnel in the palace could organise last-minute events you were aware of that but a ball such as this? You knew she had informed them and they all kept you in the dark.

You met Jungkook on the way back

'How was dinner?' he politely asked you

'Don't get me started' you replied while you recalled the moments with Taehyung.

'The prince isn't to your liking?'

'That's put it lightly yes' you crossed your arms as you answered his question.

'Plus mother announced a freaking ball'

As you said it you realised that Jungkook was probably already informed like many of the staff. You squeezed your eyes together and looked at him.

'Did you know about this?'

Jungkook nodded apologetically, he also knew how much you hated it when you were kept in the dark.

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Your mother wanted to tell you herself during dinner, I am sorry'

'If the queen commands you not to tell me I can hardly see you at fault here' you answered him which caused a relief on Jungkook's face

'I guess you're not happy about it' Jungkook stated not as a question but as a statement

'Yes but a ball doesn't mean I need to dance with the guy'

'That is true indeed' Jungkook agreed

'I am going back to my room now, will I see you tomorrow?' you asked with a smile

'Certainly, just like every day' Jungkook replied more seriously in the beginning but he couldn't hide his little smile either.

As soon as you were in your chambers though, you were too uneased to sit still. It was mainly Taehyung's behaviour throughout the day that got your mind completely occupied. How could he be such a player at moments but so utterly endearing when your mother was around?

You could easily accept him being the way he was if he would leave you alone but during dinner, he certainly didn't.

You picked up your book to read but after only three pages your mind was back to the new prince. You tried to shake it off but it was in vain.

Maybe an evening walk would clear your mind. You were hoping to not run into Jungkook at this point, not that you didn't like his company but tonight you just wanted a moment by yourself.

It was darker than you anticipated but again, considering no one could really enter the castle grounds, you didn't feel unsafe.

You wandered around for a while and admittingly the fresh air did you good.

Eventually, you returned back as you went quite far away. Mid-way you got startled by a creature in the pathway, it was small and as you approached it, it appeared to be an animal.

There was a little dog, all by itself in darkness. As you came closer you seemed to recognize the dog from the description that Taehyung provided during dinner. The light brown and darker hairs seemed to fit.

'Aren't you the prince's dog?' you asked the little creature in front of you. Not that it could answer you.

Plus it couldn't really be someone else's dog, so the question was really a rhetorical one. You had to admit it looked very cute, though the tone in which you asked this question wasn't too cute.

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