Chapter 26 - The Aftermath

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The following morning you woke up in a fuzzy state, everything that had happened the night before seemed like a dream.

But the pain in your chest emerged as soon as you realized it wasn't.

Your mother died.

You sat up straighter in bed and to your surprise, you saw Taehyung lying on the sofa in your room.

For a moment you weren't sure what to do, he seemed to be vast asleep hugging one of the pillows of your sofa.

It also wasn't the case that you wanted to get out of bed, getting out of bed meant facing reality and dealing with the aftermath of your mother's passing.

So instead of doing that you lay down flat on your bed again. you closed your eyes hoping to fall asleep again.

You weren't sure how much time passed but you heard movements in your room. Taehyung probably woke up at some point. You kept your eyes closed unsure of what to say to him.

You heard the movements coming closer and then a deep sigh. It was definitely Taehyung.

You then felt a soft hand on the side of your face as he was caressing your cheek.

You realized that he didn't know you were actually awake.

You didn't want to embarrass him so you slowly opened your eyes, as if you were waking up.

He quickly retracted his hand and you saw the shocked expression on his face.

'Taehyung, what are you doing here?' you asked lazily.

'I uh, .... slept on your sofa' he explained while glancing in a different direction.

'Why?' you asked him.

'I didn't want to leave you alone after what happened. in case you needed anything' he said but this time he did look at you.

There was a moment of comfort that seemed to ease the pain in your chest.

'Thank you' you whispered.

'How are..' Taehyung started but he didn't even finish the question, instead let out a sigh again.

There was a moment of silence

'I don't know how to go through this day' you admitted.

'I can't imagine the pain you are feeling right now y/n. You are so strong but also remember you can take time to mourn' he answered.

Again, that slight relief of pain in your chest.

You took his hand and squeezed it.

For a moment you gazed into each others' eyes and you wondered how t was that he knew exactly what to say.

A loud knock on the door broke the moment between you two

'Princess y/n, King Kim is wondering if you want to join him for breakfast'

both you and Taehyung glanced at the door as Jungkook spoke. You then looked at each other and you gave Taehyung a small nod which he returned.

'Yes, we will join. you can inform the king both me and the prince are on our way' you replied.

'Certainly princess'

You didn't need to see Jungkook's face to guess what he was thinking, the surprise in his voice was enough.

You swallowed when you saw King Kim as he got up from his usual spot at the breakfast table. You saw not a king in front of you but a heartbroken man. The look in his eyes really spoke volumes.

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