Chapter 17 - Jealousy, Jealousy

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The entire day you were taken care of by Solar and Yujin. A special dress had been made for this ball, it was dark red with detailed embroidery. Honestly, it might be one of your favourite dresses. You wore gloves mainly because they suited the dress but also because of the pretty nasty scratch of yesterday's fall.

At the memory of the fall, you saw Taehyung in your mind as he softly wrapped the fabric around your hand.

'Princess y/n?' Solar asked and you turned left to face her

'Is there something on your mind? You seem absent' Solar noted

You shook your head 'no just thinking about the ball tonight'

Yujin smiled 'Are you excited about it? It seems you and the prince are becoming pretty close'

'I want to see the look on his face when he sees you like this' Solar said with a smirk

'The guy won't be able to look elsewhere' Yujin smirked as well

As they were discussing it you felt a sudden wave of nerves take over. You couldn't even remember the last time you had felt that way before a ball.

Were you really nervous about this evening? Or rather were you nervous to see Taehyung's reaction?

In the distance, you saw your mother together with King Kim. Lastly, your eyes fell on Taehyung with Jimin next to him.

He looked so handsome tonight.

He normally already did but this outfit was one for the books for sure.

'Good evening' you greeted them

Your mother greeted you back as well as King Kim. You awaited a reaction from the prince but it was silent from his side.

Jimin nudged his prince and best friend which seemed to awaken Taehyung from his trance.

'uhm you look beautiful princess y/n' he said

You felt your cheeks fluster 'thank you prince Taehyung, you look quite handsome yourself'

'Shall we?' your mother said with a content smile.

Inside Yoongi and his father were already present. Seokjin stood together with Jungkook next to the entrance door.

Yoongi didn't waste a second before coming in your direction.

'Princess y/n, you look like a dream'

'Oh what a charmer you have become prince Yoongi'

He for sure didn't look bad himself.

'Have become? Oh come on, I was always a charmer' Yoongi said while acting offended

'Of course'

'They waited with dancing till your arrival' Yoongi explained. In other words, this meant it is time to start the first dance so that people can feel free to dance.

You caught yourself searching for Taehyung but he didn't seem to be in the room. Where did he go to?

''Would you do me the honour of a dance?' Yoongi asked and obviously, you smiled at his request

'Of course prince Yoongi'

Yoongi guided you to the middle of the ballroom where people already made space for you.

As soon as the music played you started the dancing steps.

Quite quickly people joined in, for which you were grateful. It felt rather awkward being the only couple dancing and being stared at by everyone.

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