Chapter 32 - What about today?

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The following day Taehyung had awoken early in the morning. In fact, he hadn't slept well at all during the night. Partly because of everything that had passed the days before, partly because he had drunk a little too much wine, and partly because of the information Hoseok had shared with him regarding your history with the prince.

Did it annoy him intensely? yes

not because he was angry at you but because he was jealous.

Jealous and anxious. It felt stupid because you had spent so much time together and hell some nights ago you shared a meaningful kiss.

You wouldn't accept Prince Hoseok's proposal, would you?

but then again, you had a history with him and Taehyung hadn't made any proposal.

And you were in a difficult situation as a single queen.

He also had decided not to go to your room that night because you had such a long day and your maids indicated you were already asleep. You might have woken up but eventually, Taehyung had made it a bit late and he was perhaps a bit afraid he would want to talk about the marriage proposal Hoseok made you.

A topic that was not for the late nights and also not one that he wanted to have when he was intoxicated.

No, he was happy he made decision to sleep by himself. although he did miss the warmth and closeness of you next to him while drifting asleep.

However, as he was staring at his ceiling he couldn't fight to urge to get out of his bed and go to your room. He needed to speak to you.

You opened the room dazed

gosh even as you looked sleepy you looked beautiful in his eyes.

'hey,' you almost yawned

he chuckled 'How are you?'

'I slept very early but slept well actually, I wasn't sure if you still wanted to come here' you said unsurely to him

'Uhm yes I stayed a bit longer at hybe in the end and they told me you were asleep'

'how was it?' you asked almost anxiously. you then walked into your chambers as Taehyung closed the door behind him.

His stomach turned a little at your tone. as if you were still afraid he would do something there.

Then again, you did see him there last time.

he shook his head, to shake the thought away but also to reassure you there wasn't anything like that.

'it was not my favorite thing but part of my duties.' he answered.

'any news from the kings or princes?' you asked.

Taehyung swallowed.

'what is it?' you asked him.

'I talked to Hoseok' he said while gazing at you.

You frowned 'about what?'

'about you'

'okay,' you decided to say, not certain what else to say.

'you were with him.... intimately' he eventually stated

'I was yes' you answered flatly

Taehyung stared at you silently

'Does it matter?' you asked him after a long silence

'You could have at least told me' he said indignantly

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