Chapter 10 - Avoiding

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A week passed since you ran into Jimin in your tipsy state. You did notice it brought you closer together, as in whenever he saw you he gave you either a bright smile, a wink or he waved nicely at you.

What especially was pleasant was that now he would sometimes come to you while he was walking Yeontan.

On the other hand, however, it struck you that Taehyung seemed to be different.

It seemed almost as if he tried to keep his distance from you. Maybe you were imagining it but before he'd visit you at your classes or he even arranged them such as the painting class but since the day after you met Jimin, Taehyung didn't seek your attention as much.

Would Jimin have told him that you talked about him and now he didn't want to face you? Or did he maybe think you were interested in Jimin?

No that couldn't be

A part of you wasn't even too sure why you felt the need to know the reason why he avoided you.

If he avoided you in the first place

You tried to think of something else but your mind kept making up different reasons as to why you hadn't seen the prince as much as you had.

Maybe his attention was already on other girls again?

It certainly was the night that you met Jimin..

Maybe he is still seeing that girl?

You shook your head

'Why would you even care if he was'

You said to yourself

'Who is he?' you suddenly heard from behind you.

Jungkook looked at you with big questionable eyes as you turned around startled as hell

'Since when were you around?'

'I was walking behind you for some time, didn't you notice? Normally you catch it quickly'

You shook your head

'Is something occupying your mind princess y/n?'

Yes stupid prince Taehyung

You shook your head again and smiled 'no all good'

Jungkook didn't look too convinced but he eventually nodded.

You nudged for him to walk beside you instead of behind you and you walked together talking about today's plans.

The more Taehyung was out of your sight the more you caught yourself searching for him. Most of the days he took breakfast in his room yet every morning you watched the door to see if today would be a day he'd join you and your mother.

In the past week, there was not really a moment anymore where you two were alone together. It was either outside with a coincidental meeting where Jimin was present or where Jungkook was accompanying you.

That was until today

You were about to leave your chambers to go for breakfast when there was a loud knock on the door.

Thinking that it was Jungkook you happily swung the door open.

'Let's get breakf-' you started but shut your mouth as Taehyung stared into your eyes

'W-what are you doing here?' you said with a slight stutter as your heart pounded inside your chest.

His mouth turned into a smile of amusement

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