Chapter 24 - Somebody Desperate

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After breakfast, you indeed went for a ride and Taehyung actually joined. It did surprise you but as you had already convinced yourself that was a good thing you also welcomed him to join you.

'So where do we ride to princess y/n?' Taehyung asked you in a formal way. It was odd to hear him talk to you like that but you suppose he wasn't too sure how to talk to you.

'I ride very often here, is there a place you want to go to perhaps?' you suggested

'I know a place that I would like to go to' Taehyung indicated

'Okay, in that case, you lead the way'

'I am not sure if your knight agrees' Taehyung said carefully and cryptically. You rolled your eyes; the hostility against Jungkook from his side started to become childish.

'he is fine I am sure of it'

'Alright,' Taehyung said, and off he went.

You followed him and it was

You reached the border of your lands, but considering you had taken this route many more times you knew already where he was leading you too.

Your favorite place

Taehyung halted as he noticed the reduction in your speed

'If it's okay I would like to visit your favorite place' he asked shyly

you blinked twice because he was indeed shy

You nodded and with that Taehyung continued his course. When you arrived you took a deep breath. It sent a foreign sensation through your body to be here again with him.

It did hold a memory for you with the prince. a really nice one.

It might be the best place for you two to get some time alone and talk. It could quite possibly result in awkward silence but you had to try. Knowing what you knew now because of the letter you needed to hear him say it.

'Jungkook could you please stay with the horses and give me and prince Taehyung a moment?' you asked him

'Certainly princess y/n, just call me if you need me' he replied with a bow

You couldn't miss the annoying sigh that came from Taehyung next to you but you chose to ignore it.

Taehyung and you descended to the little lake, it was half frozen due to the cold. It had its own beauty to it.

You gazed at Taehyung and you noticed how he tried to dodge any direct eye contact.


As you kind of assumed before coming here.

'It has been a while since I have been here' he said shyly again, without looking at you.

This won't do

'Why did you decide to join your father on this trip?' you asked flat out.

Taehyung stared at you perplexed by your bluntness

'I wanted to see you' he admitted but then shook his head.

'No, I needed to see you'

'why?' you asked

'because I missed you like crazy'

He was so frank about it, no beating around the bush. It certainly took you off guard.

'I don't get it Taehyung, why did you tell me I was a game to you but now you tell me you miss me?' you asked confused

'I lied' he answered curtly

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