Chapter 12 - Barefoot on the Grass

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'Hi good sir' Taehyung said to the stranger in front of you as you arrived at the gathering

'My fiancé and I are traveling and are in need of food. Could we join your little gathering? We of course will pay for your troubles' Taehyung happily asked

The man smiled at Taehyung

'What a handsome young lad you are' his eyes traveled to me and he paused 'and your fiancé is beautiful as well'

Taehyung softly took your hand 'I know, I have been very lucky'

If he wasn't the prince he could be an actor for sure because he sounded so convincing

'Of course you can join us. The more the merrier!' The man said happily

'My name is Richard by the way' he added

'My name is Renoir and my fiancé is called Amy' Taehyung replied


Okay let's go with that you thought

You walked further and were greeted by a group of people. Taehyung was right, none of them seemed to recognize you and they all welcomed you so happily.

Taehyung went around introducing the both of you and chatting with some individuals.

You stood stunned, you wouldn't classify yourself as a shy person but engaging like this with complete strangers was something you never actually did and it seemed to come so naturally to Taehyung.

He truly was a social butterfly

Richard pointed at the table where two places seemed to be vacant 'You can sit down there' he instructed you. Together with you all the other people also took place at the dinner table. Next to you on the right was a woman who introduced herself as Yunjin and to your left was an older man called Jae-Sang. In front of you was Taehyung. Seeing him gave you a sense of safety.

Richard and what you assumed to be his wife placed the food on the table.

After dinner you moved to a place near a big tree, there were branches in a circle where everyone could sit. In the middle, Richard had lit a fire.

The men disappear for a moment leaving you and Taehyung with the females. you surely didn't miss how the other women gaped at Taehyung as if he was a piece of art made by Michelangelo himself.

As you gazed at him you took a moment to take his appearance in, you had to admit that he indeed was a natural beauty. His curly hair fell perfectly and you wondered what it'd feel like, whether it was as soft as it looked like

Wait what?

The men came back with some musical instruments. It was really like a festivity. The men started the music and soon the first girl jumped up to dance around the campfire. You enjoyed watching the girls dance with such happiness. The carelessness they displayed while they swayed around, that feeling you'd love to feel. Sure, you danced in the castle with your friends and often it was felt great but you knew how people were watching you, judging you as the princess. 

A girl who introduced herself earlier as Mina practically dragged you on the dancefloor. At first, you resisted a little but not too much and ended up giving in soon

Here you were; dancing with a bunch of strangers, barefoot, under the sky of stars.

and the thing was that you loved it.

a wide smile plastered on your face proved that for sure

It was because Taehyung had challenged and convinced you.

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