⋆ Digitaltime ⋆

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Requested by d0ll_b0y

Platonic relationships

Word count: 1610

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Walking through the entrance of the amusement park the a certain someone could tell this was going to be a long day.

Meanwhile Manny was tugging on sleeves of the brown overcoat the Robin was wearing. Urging him to walk faster, dragging him towards the nearest attraction.

"Come on we gotta hurry!" The yellow kid shouted, playing some sort of tug of war with the green ducks sleeves.

"Wait I gotta check if my feathers are tucked in nicely, that bumpy car ride ruined my appearance." Robin remarked, resisting the attempts of the younger boy to drag him away. He rather wanted to find a mirror to make sure he looked alright.

The red mop let out a chuckle, putting an arm around his friend. "You look fine, like always." He said, while steering his friend into the direction their younger companion wanted to go. "Let's go enjoy ourselves, kay?"

As the trio of students walked away Paige hurriedly rushed after them, fumbling with the backpack she carried trying not to drop her art supplies she brought with her.

"You can't go out of sight without supervision, wait for me!" The sketchbook shouted loudly, making a few visitors turn their heads.

The remaining teachers watched, letting the situation play out. Not caring to much about watching over the students, they where here to have fun themselves afterall.

Gilbert had grabbed a map earlier and was studying the layout of the park, Lace was looking over his shoulder making notes of which attractions to go to.

"There is so much to see!" The globe pointed out, drawing some circles on the map with a pencil he brought with him.

The laptop nodded her head, agreeing with the statement of her friend. "Let's discover the whole park."

Howard and Felix, after saying goodbye for now, walked of with Candice and Bread Boy. The crew of four was happily chatting amongst themselves, with the two youngest pointing at where they wanted to go to.

Shrignold had flown over to a little shop in the amusementpark, that sold sugary sweets. Larry seeing how intrested his friend looked, bought a bag of candy giving it to Shrignold as a present.

"Oh you don't have too." The butterfly stuttered, embarrassed as the lamp tried handing over the candy he has been looking at so intensely.

"It's alright, I thought you deserve a present, even if it's something small like this... for always making time for me." The lamp said, smiling brightly.

From afar Tony watched quietly, he was secretly hoping everyone would go their own way, forgetting him for the time being. It seemed to go according to his wishes, almost everyone was out of sight.

He never wanted to be here in the first place, it was only because the trio of students convinced the other teachers to go here. And he was forced to come as well-

Maybe he could even sneak away from the premise... and-

"Rude, everyone is just leaving us. Guess that means it's just you and me now." The computer said, sounding offended by the fact everybody had left. He rolled his eyes before looking over expectantly at the clock.

"uH-" The clock was at a loss for words, he had not taking in account that the computer was still present.

In his mind Tony figured Colin would go with Gilbert and Lace but GUESS NOT.

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