Prologue: A Bedtime Story

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Once upon a time, the gods lived amongst us in peace

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Once upon a time, the gods lived amongst us in peace. We would praise them and give them gifts, and in exchange, they would protect us from gargantuan monsters, this was the way of the world for thousands of years.

Sadly, peace never lasts.

A beast beyond the gods understanding emerged from the darkest depths of our universe and brought discord and famine to the nations.

The gods attempted to strike it down but it was to no avail, it wielded strength beyond their comprehension, it followed no laws of reality and its intentions were unknown, it only sought to corrupt and destroy.

Eventually they realized they could not destroy it, so they devised a plan to seal it away.

Combining their powers, they sealed it away within the folds of reality, they trapped the darkness so it could never harm the world and its inhabitants again.

But as it was being sealed away, it uttered its first and only words, declaring a prophecy, stating that should mortals and immortals continue to coexist, it would grow stronger and break free from its eternal prison.

Hearing this, the gods fled to protect their creation, allowing mortals to live without their intervention in order to protect them.

But they feared to leave them with nothing to defend themselves, so the gods bestowed magic upon them, giving them a way to use their power without them. And from then on, the gods have only been heard from in our prayers.

"But momma, what if it does come back?", a small voice spoke up with fear and concern in her large, amber eyes.

"Its just a bedtime story hun", the mother said reassuringly as she placed the book back onto its shelf.

"Yeah but what if its real!", the little girl asked once more.

"Sweetie, you have no reason to fear, its not coming back because it doesnt exist, and if it does, I promise I will protect you", the mother explained once again putting her arm around her daughter.

"Thats enough stories for tonight girls, we have work tommorrow, and you have school, so get to sleeping or something scarier than the darkness will get you", the daughters father said, popping his head through the doorway.

"Whats worse than the darkness?", the girl asked even more afraid.

"Why, none other than the TICKLE GOBLIN!", The father exclaimed in a raspy, high-pitched voice before playfully tackling them both and assaulting them with tickles, sending them into a fit of giggles.

"Unhand me foul beast or ill banish thee to the sofa!", the mother exclaimed while laughing, slipping through his arms and pinning him to the ground.

"I yield, I yield!", the husband pleaded.

"Thats what I thought, no beast can tame me", she stated wiping her hands off with a smirk before putting her hands on her hips triumphantly.

"Then how do you explain that ring around your finger?", the husband replied smuggly.

"Watch it mister", she snapped back.

Lara laid there, giggling at her parents playful quarrel.

"We love you sweetie, you have nothing to fear", the mother said sweetly as she kissed her daughter on the forehead, blowing out her bedside candle.

"Goodnight my sparkling topaz", the father said kissing his daughter goodnight.

As they shut the daughters door slowly and returned to their own bedroom, a conversation began.

"Id rather her believe the only evils in this world are merely monsters and demons for a while, dont you agree", the father asked his wife as he got ready for bed.

"Its a pleasent thought, but in our line of work im not so sure it will remain that way for long", the mother replied with the smile fading away from her face.

"Indeed, but someones gotta keep the real monsters at bay"

"Well, atleast we can try our best to keep her innocent for as long as possible".

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