Chapter 7: The Art Of Combat

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As the night went on, people would enter and exit the ring, some fights would be textbook, while others would be off the books. Some unique strategies would win favor from the three judges, while others would be met with disgruntled noises and even the occasional disqualification. Certain fights were swift, with multiple contestants forfeiting, and others would drag out, if a fight dragged out too long they would declare it a stalemate.

Silvio stood in the back watching with discomfort, flinching and making noises of reciprocation for their pain as if he were in the ring himself.

Lara was anxiously awaiting her turn, she heard her partners name, it was something like 'Kiburi', but she had no clue who that could've been, and she had never heard a name like that before, but it sounded feminine.

Afer an hour or so, the only person left that hadn't entered the ring was Lara, who was very confused, and so were the judges.

"Who was supposed to go up against Lana again?", Lehrerin leaned over and asked Edlyn, who turned to look at Roland.

"I believe it was someone named Kiburi?", Roland said flipping through the papers he was holding.

"Our final duel will be Lana and Kiburi, is there a Kiburi present?", Edlyn announced.

The room sat silent, Lara looked worried, she knew that the handbook stated if someones partner didnt show up then they would have to go up against either Roland or gods forbid her own mother, not only was she wildly under skilled to fight either of them, but getting that close to her mother would surely give her away, and Roland is entirely unpredictable. If her partner didn't show up then she was doomed.

Suddenly the bathroom doors swung open and someone came stomping out, it was a large orc with dreadlocks, a sleeveless jacket, no undershirt, and was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Sorry, I got...held up", he announced

"Are you Kiburi?", Lehrerin asked.

"Sure am, now who's this Lana I'm up against?", he replied proudly and pushed his way into the ring, to be met with a hooded girl who was just a few inches shorter than him.

"So your the babe I'm up against?", he asked arrogantly, placing his hands on his hips and scanning her up and down.

"I'm not your 'babe'", Lara snapped back.

"Sorry babe, force of habit, honestly I was kinda hoping I'd be paired up against someone a bit more...masculine", replied Kiburi.

"Why, dont wanna hit a girl?", Lara replied smugly.

"Naw, these hands dont discriminate, just wanted someone who would put up a bigger fight", he stated as he put up his fists and prepared to fight.

"Dont worry, I wont disappoint", Lara said as she put up her hands and charged forwards.

"Im loving the banter", Roland said as he snacked down on popcorn.

"The hell did you get popcorn from?", Edlyn questioned.

"The conveniently placed popcorn stand in the corner"

"Huh, thats convenient"

"I know right!"

Kiburi was only slightly prepared for the strike, convinced that she wouldn't pack much of a punch, he was quickly disproven as her hit sent him stumbling backwards.

"Shit, wasn't expecting that, where you hiding all that muscle girl?", he said with wide eyes, his shocked expression shifting to a smile.

"Come over here and I'll show you"

"Careful what you wish for!", Kiburi yelled out as he rushed forwards and smacking her with the back of his forearm, sending her spinning backwards and falling to the floor, she was able to stop her fall with her knees and hands.

"Had enough yet?", Kiburi said with a smirk.

Silvio watched in fear and couldn't hold himself back.

"Get up Lara!", Silvio cheered on before realizing what he just said and putting his paws on his mouth, which caused the three judges to jolt up. Moving slowly towards Silas from behind was someone in a cloak.

"Was that Silvio, and did he just say Lara?", Edlyn asked.

"Damnit Silvio!", Lehrerin said under her breath angrily.

"Before I win this thing I'm just gonna get a better look at your face", Kiburi said as he pulled back Lara's hood, which caused Lara to freak out and try to hide her face, but it was no use, everyone had already seen her, including her mother, who was now fuming with rage.

"That's enough!", shouted Edlyn, as she did the cloaked person snatched Silvio's bag and dashed backwards, Silas twisted backwards.

"They took my bag!", Silvio yelled helplessly and looked back at Lara who was on her knees still.

"My mothers wand is in there!", he said before running after them.

Lara was about to run after them when her hood got tugged back.

"Were not done here", he said as he pulled back on her hood.

"Yes we are!", Lara shouted as she used her right hand to push herself up and punch him in the gut, hitting him with enough force that it sent him flying onto the floor, she then got back up and ran after them, Kiburi stood up, growled, and followed behind.

"Lara get back here right now!", Her mother demanded.

"You can yell at me later!"

"After them!", Roland ordered the knights, who stood up and ran after them.

"That girl is in HUGE trouble!", Edlyn snarled.

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