Chapter 34: Revelations

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Lara was jostled awake by a sudden bump in the path, she opened her eyes and found herself in the back of a wagon, she tried to move but found her arms and legs were bound together.

Lara squirmed around back and forth until she was able to flip around to see who was at the reigns, she looked up to find some nameless bandit at the reigns while Travis had been watching her.

"That was kind of fun to watch, think you could do it again?", Travis asked condescendingly.

"Screw you!", Lara replied irritably.

"Language! the writer's gonna have to censor that one", Travis replied

"What's your deal? Like, who hurt you?", Lara asked.

"Nuh uh, sorry I'm not monologuing so you can know my master plan, besides, it's not my story to tell", Travis replied, denying her request.

"Could you atleast tell me how long its gonna be till we get where we're going?", Lara said impatiently.

"It'll be a while, not long, but just long enough for us to have a little chat", Travis answered.

"I dont want to talk to you", Lara answered stubbornly.

"Would you do it for a snickerdoodle cookie?", Travis asked while holding up a snickerdoodle cookie.

"I'm not a dog asshole!", Lara snapped back.

"...But give me the cookie anyways...", Lara said meekly, Travis threw the cookie back and she grabbed it with her mouth and chewed on it begrudgingly.

"Just answer a few questions for me", Travis asked.

"Fine, shoot", Lara agreed begrudgingly.

"You ever wonder why you're so strong Lara?", Travis asked.

"Practice I guess, why does it matter?", Lara answered, a bit perplexed by the question.

"Practice doesn't produce such strength as yours my dear, no it's something much more intriguing", Travis replied cryptically.

"You religious at all?", Travis asked again.

"Whats with the personality quiz?", Lara questioned.

"Just answer", Travis ordered.

"No, but my father was, he believed in the Earth Goddess, Jord", Lara answered glumly.

"So does the majority of this country, but none of them have ever seen any proof that she or any of the other gods existed, they eat up the gospel because deep down they are scared and confused, so they use their religion to guide them because they are too ignorant to make their own decisions, blaming their actions on abunch of metaphors written on paper", Travis explained, seathing as he spoke.

"Damn, that's deep, you a poet?", Lara asked sarcastically.

"Quiet", Travis snapped.

"I was never one for it all, as you can tell, I saw right through it all, or atleast, not until I found proof", Travis said as he pulled out a greatsword, the handle was black with jagged, gold etchings going down it, the pommel was a hexagon with a Topaz in the center, and the guard was socketed with multiple smaller topaz's that were carved in a four sided diamond design. The blade was black, but the sharp end of the blade was golden.

"Compensating much?", Lara mocked.

"This is a genuine blade made by Jord herself", Travis claimed, running his fingers down the blade.

"And I'm just supposed to take your word for it?", Lara questioned him doubtfully.

"This blade appears as just an ordinary, unenchanted blade, but when it comes into contact with Jord's celestial aura-", Travis began as he brandished it, pulling it over his head and bringing it down on her, Lara tensed up and closed her eyes, expecting to get her head cut off, but instead he stopped it right as it touched the top of her head.

Suddenly, Lara's eyes began to glow bright yellow and jagged tattoos spread across her body glowing the same color. The sword reacted and the gold parts as well as the topaz emitted yellow energy, Travis pulled the sword back and scanned it for a few moments before pulling it back again and swinging it in the air to the right of the cart, when he did the blade broke apart into segments, connected together by yellow strands of energy, he slashed it forwards like a whip and the segments shot ahead, cutting clean through three trees and splitting them in half down the middle before returning to the handle, putting themselves back together, once reformed the glowing stopped.

"-it becomes a very powerful weapon", Travis finished, putting the blade back where he pulled it.

The incident startled all the horses, forcing the drivers to halt so they could calm them down.

Lara was completely dumbfounded, that surge of energy that just went through her was something she had never experienced or dreamed of experiencing in her entire life.

"W-what did you just do to me!?", Lara stammered.

"I didn't do a thing, that my dear was all you", Travis revealed.

"What are you talking about?!", Lara questioned.

"Weren't you listening? This blade only works for Jord's magic, which isn't supposed to exist anymore, but apparently it YOU", Travis explained, Lara still couldn't understand, how did she have the power of a god in HER?!

"A few days ago at the tryouts for the knights, your power activated, probably for the first time, but it was quite breathtaking to see it in action", Travis explained.

"I haven't the slighest idea how you have the power of a god, nor do I care, I just need you to get into Jord's forge, which is sealed by a gate that only opens , and the key-like this sword-only activates with Jord's magic", Travis explained.

Lara was lost in thought still, how could she have the power of a god in her? Why hasn't in shown up before? Does this mean she is dangerous? Her thoughts were interrupted by the wagons abruptly stopping.

"Were here sir!", one of the men called it.

"Alright kiddo, you can have your existential crisis later, we have work to do", Travis said as he grabbed her and dragged her infront of a large stone door.

The stone door was massive, towering over them, etched into the side of a mountain. It was beautifully made, the stone completely unworn or damaged even after hundreds of years of exposure to the elements. The door didn't seam like a door though, just a stone wall with a diamond shape low enough for an average person to be eye-level with, the diamond protruded outwards from the wall and the center was seamingly made of polished yellow crystal.

Travis unbound Lara's hands and dragged her towards the door.

Lara looked at him in confusion, shrugging.

Klaus put his hands infront of his face and pointed towards the yelllow diamond shape, telling her she needed to use her hand to open it.

Lara looked at her hands for a moment before taking a single finger and quickly tapping the crystal once.

"Aw shucks, it didn't open, looks like your nefarious plans will have to-", Lara began, trying to make an excuse to get out, trying to turn around.

The Ebony Knight grabbed her hand and forcibly held her palm against the crystal.

Once her hand came in contact with the crystal, it began to react with a humming noise that got louder, yellow lines formed outwards over the stone, creating a beautiful pattern on it that moved upwards till a bright line split down the middle, resulting in the door sliding open to reveal a passage way going downwards.

"Some of you stay back and guard the door, the rest of you come with me. If anyone even glimpses at this door, kill them on the spot. No witnesses, understood?", The Ebony Knight ordered before pulling Lara with him into the chamber, disappearing deep into the earth.

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