Chapter 6: Rules Of The Ring

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Lara and Silvio entered the next room where less than a quarter of the inital group was left, standing around a white circle painted on the floor.

"How are we still here?!", Silvio exclaimed, baffled by how they still havent been caught yet.

"Sheer luck", Lara replied sternly.

"Alright, now that were here, what now?", Silvio asked.

"This is the easiest part, you watch, and I win", Lara said confidently and walked off towards the ring.

Lara pushed her way through the crowd to try and see the center, outside the ring on the opposite end was an elevated platform where Mrs. Schmied, Ms. Lehrerin, and Roland were standing. Mrs. Schmied was trying to speak but the chatter was too loud no one could hear her, Lehrerin put her hand on Edlyn's shoulder to get her attention and held out her staff, which was made from spruce, had golden inlays around the shaft, a leather grip, and the crystal on the end was a Topaz cut in the shape of a cube, which was angled so that the cubes edge pointing outwards. She held the tip of it infront of her mouth, and spoke a single world into it, causing the yellow gemstone to glow and sent out a pulse of yellow energy acrost the room, the word "Silence!", boomed and sent everyone aback, instantly instilling a deafening silence.

"Thank you for your assistance", Edlyn said, Lehrerin merely took a bow and stepped back.

"Now then, as I was trying to say, you all have made it this far, to recap the previous tests, the first was to show your understanding of our handbook, which for those who were inclined to believe that all you needed was brawn to be a knight, turned out to be their final test", announced Mrs. Schmied.

"The second test was to help us gauge your general personality, as well as your interests in joining the knights, those who seek to join the knights for the right purposes such as helping others or protecting the kingdom passed, and to the lot that wanted to join us for the select purposes of fueling their ego or the thrill of the fight, are currently still unemployed".

"For those of you have yet to gather what this final test, then you may want to take a closer look at your surroundings, specifically the ring infront of you. For the final test you will be displaying your combat skills".

"The rules are simple, we will select two of you to enter the ring and fight, your goal is to knock down your opponent without inflicting unnecessary harm, that means nowhere near the groin, throat, eyes, or other any other orfices, no clawing or twisting of the flesh, no weapons of any kind aside from your own body, and everything else listed in the handbook is prohibited, if you break the rules I did not list, you will still be disqualified, you should've familiarized yourself with the handbook before this, and since you all passed the first test, I expect that you all have", Edlyn explained.

"With that being said, lets begin!", Roland cut in.

"One last thing actually, should either of you leave the ring for any reason at all, you will be disqualified, no exceptions, if you wish to forfeit, you may announce it. Just because you lose the fight does not mean you wont pass, this isnt about winning, its about showing us what you can do", Edlyn explained one last time before Roland began calling out names in pairs, this was clearly Roland's favorite part of the assessments.

"Now then, let the final test begin!"

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