Chapter 9: Jail Time

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Lara awoke to find herself inside a cell with the mystery girl from before, while the mystery hero sat in a cell with Kiburi. After a few minutes Kiburi woke up as well, looked around in a daze and when he finally realized where he was, he was furious.

"Son of a bitch, I knew we shouldn't of taken this job!", he cried out.

"Shut it moron im sleeping", the thief mumbled half awake.

This only pissed Kiburi off more, he looked around, grabbed a rock off the floor, and then chucked it at the other cell, hoping to hit his friend but it missed and landed at Lara's feet.

"Could you hit her with that for me?", Kiburi asked as politely as he could, Lara responded by shrugging and tossing it at the dwarves head.

"Bitch!", the dwarf girl jolted up while holding her head and reached for a dagger but found that all her stuff was gone and then realized she was in a cell, she replied with an,"oh what the hell".

"Thank you", Kiburi thanked Lara, who gave him a thumbs up.

"This is your fault Marya!", Kiburi said, pointing at the dwarf who's name was apparently Marya.

"This was your idea!", Marya snapped back, throwing up her hands in irritation.

"Next time dont make a scene and we wont get caught!", Kiburi replied.

"I didn't make a scene, she did!", Marya said pointing at Lara.

"You stole my friends stuff!", Lara said back.

"Yeah and you just HAD to play hero!", Marya said patronizing Lara.

"Well yeah, of course I had to play hero, that was his rich mothers priceless wand in there!", Lara said angrily, standing up straight now.

"Wait, 'rich' and 'priceless'? I never would've given up that bag had I known THAT was in it!", Marya said frustratedly.

"None of us would even be here if it weren't for mystery man over here having to play hero and slow us all down!", Lara said and pointed at the unnamed elf in the corner who had been silent this whole time.

"Was I not supposed to help you?", he spoke, not offended at all, but genuinely wondering if he was supposed to step in back there. Lara was confused at his response but before she could reply Silvio appeared.

"Lara I am so sorry this is all my fault, I should've left my bag in my room and kept my mouth shut", Silvio apologized to his best friend, this whole situation had him feeling worse than the people currently behind bars. You could see the bags in his eyes and his fur was a mess, the guilt clearly had him up throughout the night.

"Dude, your fine, the plan was honestly doomed from the beginning", Lara said trying to calm the boy down.

"No, this is your fault, next time dont carry your valuable shit on you", Marya chimed in.

"I wasnt talking to you two, I was talking to Lara and...wait, what is your name?", Silvio pointed at Lara and the elf in the corner who was lying back with his eyes closed, he didn't respond. Kiburi saw an opportunity and there was a gleam in his eye as he prepared to smack them awake, they reeled back and slammed down but their hand was caught before it could land and the enigmatic elf twisted his wrist and slammed kiburi into the ground.

"My name is Jiro", he replied nonchalantly as Kiburi scrambled off the floor and angrily flipped Jiro the bird before slumping back into his seat.

"Well, I was talking to Lara and Jiro, not you jerks", Silvio continued

"Well that was rude, but fair", Kiburi replied.

"Look, I asked Ms. Lehrerin to try and convince your mother to let you guys go, so dont panic", Silvio said to Lara and Jiro, who were very much not panicking at the moment.

They sat there for a little bit before a guard arrived.

"Hey Marcus", Lara said to the guard, who she knew.

"Dont try to be buddy-buddy with me, you knocked my mother over during your little chase scene back there", Marcus said.

"That's a lie, I know your mother, she doesnt go shopping in town until thursdays", Lara said skeptically.

"Yeah I know, your mother told me to tell you that to try and make you feel bad", Marcus said apologetically.

"Typical", Lara said and rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, your mom sent me to come fetch you", Marcus said and opened the gate, Marya tried to make a break for it but Kiburi threw another rock at her, this time it hit her foot and knocked her over.

"The hell!", Marya yelled angrily.

"If I'm stuck here so are you!", Kiburi yelled back, the two then began bickering which caused Silvio and Jiro to groan.

"Let's get this over with", Lara said as they walked off.

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