Chapter 33: Broken Binds

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Klaus sat there in his office, the only light coming from the window behind, creating a shadow of himself of the ground where he was looking. Klaus stared at his shadow for a long time, engrossed in his thoughts.

Klaus eventually looked up at his dagger, the dagger that had been used to take his brother and future from him years ago, his eyes widened briefly before narrowing, he pulled himself out of his chair and marched out the door.

He barged into the main hall where the four of them were still bound together on the floor, surrounded by Carl, Steve, Tom, Oliver, and Dave, who was still eating his sandwich.

They all heard him enter the room and looked up at him.

"Ah sir, finally you've arrived, what do you want us to do with-", Tom began to ask, but was stopped by Klaus putting a finger on his mouth to shush him.

Klaus glanced at each of our heroes, staring them down for a while before letting out a long sigh.

"...can you save her?", Klaus asked.

"Save who?", Silvio asked in confusion.

"Lara, can you save her?", Klaus reiterated

"Wait, what?!", Kiburi asked, everyone in the room was left disoriented from the question.

"Answer the damn question!", Klaus said sternly, raising his voice a bit, his usual arrogance no longer showing.

They all sat there in silence until Jiro spook up.

"We will do everything in our power to save her", Jiro stated confidently.

"Good enough for me, cut them loose!", Klaus ordered.

"Wait hold on now sir, The Ebony Knight sai-", Tom began but was interrupted again by Klaus, who spung around furiously.

"You do not take orders from HIM, you take orders from ME, now do as I tell you and cut them free!", Klaus shouted, the other bandits saw this and began hastily cutting them free in response.

"I'm with Tom, what's your angle man? You tie us up and then let us go?", Marya questioned Klaus

"Travis is getting out of hand, nobody was supposed to get hurt, I thought it was just a smash and grab, I didn't think he'd go this far", Klaus explained as he gathered their items and tossed it to them, he looked around for Kiburi's gear but found nothing.

"Orc boy, where are your weapons?", Klaus asked.

"Dont have any, cept for these bad boys!", Kiburi said as he flexed his muscles proudly, Klaus was not amused.

"That wont do, take these", Klaus replied as he gave Kiburi two hand axes and a belt to hold them.

"Well, free is free, so I'm not about to complain!", exclaimed Kiburi as he fastened the belt on him and put the axes in it.

"Sir, this is insane, what possibly reason would there be for you to save this girl?!", Tom questioned.

"She's my niece", Klaus said bluntly, the whole room went dead silent at this revelation, Silvio stood there in shock and awe before he imploded.

"Your WHAT?! She is your NIECE and you've been trying to kill her? What kind of asshole tries to kill his own family!?", Silvio shouted.

"The worst kind, but I'm done stabbing my family in the back, its time I made things right, starting with putting this Ebony Knight punk in the ground", Klaus stated.

The group was unsure, they were unconvinced this wasn't another trap.

"...We are going to need all the help we can get to save her, we have to take the chance", Jiro spoke up, he walked over to Klaus and shook his hand to show he trusted him.

The others followed suit, first Silvio, then Kiburi, Marya stood there and grumbled to her safe, thinking on it for a moment before throwing her hands in the air angrily.

"FINE! I guess we're doing this, but if we die I'm going to be so pissed off!", Marya complained as she shook Klaus' hand.

The group stood together and ran out the door, headed after Lara and her captors.

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