Chapter 25: Stay Awhile And Listen

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Jiro began gathering sticks and putting them into a pile, placing them in the shape of a tepee, he then looked around for any flint rocks, once he found two, he stood over the sticks and began rubbing them together until it shot out enough sparks to ignite the pile of sticks.

Kiburi and Lara were busy gathering logs and building shelters for everyone, setting a couple around the campfire for seating.

Silvio was busy gathering water from a nearby spring for everyone, filling up their canteens.

"...Where's Marya?", Kiburi asked, looking around and noticing that she was the only one unaccounted for.

"She probably ran off", Lara said coldly, not bothering to even look around for her.

"You wish", Marya said as she appeared carrying something.

"Dinner is served", Marya said as she held it out for them to see, it was dead boar.

They all tore off a piece, skewered it with a stick, and held it over the fire, except Silvio, who was snacking on some berries he found.

"How did you even find this?", Lara asked as she voraciously ripped off a piece of hers and ate it happily, speaking with her mouth full.

"Down by the river", Marya answered.

"In a van?", Lara asked.

"What the hell is a van?", Marya asked, confused.

"Nevermind", Lara said, forgetting the subject entirely.

Once they all finished their food, they sat beside the fire until it got dark and chatted away.

"So, if we're gonna be stuck together I think we should get to know eachother a little better, who wants to go first?", Kiburi said, looking around for volunteers, but everybody sat silently.

"Ugh, fine I'll go, my name is Kiburi-", Kiburi began.

"Hi Kiburi", everybody else said in unison.

"Shaddup, as I was saying, my name is Kiburi, and I've lived here in Felsen my entire life", Kiburi explained.

"I've never seen any orcs in Felsen besides you, where do your parents live?", Lara asked.

"Well my parents aren't orcs", Kiburi said, Lara, Silvio, and Jiro turned to look at Marya, she made a stopping motion trying to get them to stop asking further questions.

"Well you seam like a cool guy so your parents are probably cool too", Silvio said nervously, trying not to say anything wrong.

"They sure are the best, alright, Marya goes next", Kiburi answered proudly before pointing at Marya.

"Well, you already know my name, and I was actually born and raised in Lavina, The Dwarven Kingdom", Marya explained.

"What brought you to Felsen?", Silvio asked.

"I ran away from home at 16, snuck aboard a boat headed to anywhere, ended up in Felsen, snuck into Kiburi's attic and lived there until he found me. We've been partners in crime ever since", Marya said, playfully punching Kiburi's arm.

"Well, that's surprisingly heartwarming", Silvio said.

"Tell anyone and I'll give the saying "cat got your tongue', a whole new meaning", Marya said, brandishing her dagger menacingly.

"Okay then, Silvio you are up next!", Kiburi said, quickly switching the conversation.

"Oh, uhm, my mother sent me here to learn magic", Silvio said timidly.

"Sent from where?", Marya questioned.

"Selva", Silvio said quietly.

"Isn't that where that prestigious magic school is?", Marya queried.

"Yes, my mother is the head mistress after all", Silvio said, they all stopped for a second.

"So your mom runs the most exclusive magic school in the world...and she sent you here?", Marya asked, emphasizing each word.

"Well, she says she has a reason, but she wont let me come back until I figure it out", Silvio explained.

"Sounds like she just doesn't want you around", Marya said bluntly.

"Jiro, you're up, where are you from?", Kiburi asked.

"I do not know", Jiro said candidly.

"What do you mean you dont know?", Kiburi questioned.

"I can not recall where I am from", Jiro said again, honestly and simply, he didn't seam distressed by the fact that he had no idea where he was from, but everyone else was.

"Uhm...Lara, I think it's your turn", Kiburi said.

"Well, I have been here my whole life, and I want to become a knight so I can make my dad proud!", Lara said.

"I didn't see your dad anywhere, is he that guy that was sitting with your mom at the tryouts?", Kiburi asked.

"That was Roland, and no, he is definitely not my dad", Lara said unamused by the notion.

"Then where is he?", Marya pressed on.

"He's dead", Lara said, her head lowered and eyes pointed away from them, Marya felt guilty about making her say it, Kiburi glared at her and she shrugged.

"How did he die?", Jiro asked politely.

"I dont know, he went on some mission with his friends, they called themselves the 'Gilded Guardians', but only some of them came back", Lara said somberly.

"I was only a kid when it happened, nobody will talk about it, especially when im around, they wont tell me what happened", Lara explained further.

Everyone sat there, the silence was deafening, nobody knew what to say or if they should say anything, so they just sat there awkwardly.

"...Welp! This has been extremely unpleasent, im going to bed now!", Marya announced as she hastily walked over to her  shelter and laid down, everyone agreed and did the same, Lara went over to her spot and sat there, she didn't lie down just yet, she picked out a piece of paper from her pocket and looked at it.

It was a picture of the Gilded Guardians standing next to eachother smiling, her father was next to her mother holding hands, Ms. Lehrerin was standing on the far left, while two people Lara didn't recognize were standing together on the right, the male one had his arm around the female ones shoulders, the male had a bow and quiver while the female had a spear.

Lara looked at the photo fondly, mostly at her father, but then she noticed something she never saw before, standing infront of Ms. Lehrerin was a young boy, Ms. Lehrerin had her hand on his shoulder and seamed to be smiling at him. The boy looked familiar, after a few moments she realized it was a younger Roland.

"If Roland was there, then maybe he can tell me what happened!", Lara said to herself, she put the photo away and went to bed, but she probably wasn't going to get much sleep.

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