Chapter 30: Infiltration

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The five of them walked up to the gate and stood there, waiting for the bridge to lower so they could cross.

"Password!", one of the bandits on the towers called out.

"Damn it, what the hell do we do now?", Lara whispered.

Just then, Marya stepped forwards and began to speak.

"Zucchini bread", Marya answered plainly, the man on the tower nodded and gave a signal to the other a tower on the opposite end of the bridge, the bridge began to lower and they were allowed to pass.

"How the hell did you know the password?", Lara questioned.

"I have my connections", Marya said vaguely and walked forwards across the bridge, they all looked at Kiburi for answers but he simply shrugged and walked after Marya.

Once they were all acrost the bridge, Marya searched for a discreet corner they could huddle up in, once she found one, Marya ushered them all to follow her into it.

"Alright, what now blondie?", Marya demanded.

"Well its more of a dirty blon-I mean, okay so we need to figure out where Klaus is and confront him", Lara explained.

"If I recall correctly, confronting him did not go very well last time?", Silvio added in.

"Yes, but I think we have what it takes now", Lara said optimistically.

"No we dont, since we met him and he told us to get better, we have not fought any real battles, we got our asses saved by Ms. Lehrerin, got kidnapped and ran off from goblins, and tricked abunch of bandits into thinking we were a Bush Of Doom!", Silvio ranted on, leaving the rest of the group to lose their motivation.

"And yet we are still here, sure we aren't exactly heroes, but we are the only ones standing in between Klaus and whatever evil plans he has, so I say we buck up and kick some ass!", Lara said, speaking as quietly as she could, the team began to lift their heads a bit and looked at eachother, they all nodded in agreement and broke out of the huddle.

"Alright, where to start for questions?", Lara asked rhetorically, just then a horn boomed from the center of the camp and all the bandits began to sprint down the street.

Lara quickly stopped one of them.

"Where is everyone going?", Lara asked.

"Emergency meeting, did you not pay attention at briefing?", the bandit said before pulling away and running off.

The five of them shrugged and followed the crowd.

They all entered into a building full of tables and chairs, all positioned around a stage where Klaus stood sternly, hands behind his back and standing up straight, gazing down at everyone as they all entered in and sat down.

Once everyone had finally taken a seat, Klaus cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Now I've been hearing alot of chatter, you are all wondering why we've been terrorizing villages, but not taking anything, and here to explain it to you is the man who came up with the brilliant plan to make us rich!", Klaus announced as he held out his arm and stepped aside, when he did, a figure emerged from the shadows, it was the Ebony Knight.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, but really their is no need for applause", Travis said arrogantly, the room was completely silent cept for a few crickets that snuck in.

Klaus seamed to realize Travis' voice was different, but didn't think much of it.

"Anyways, allow me to explain what's going on, the plan began with me hiring your leader and giving him directions to sneak into the Knights secret vault beneath their precinct, utilizing two amateur thieves and making them create a distraction and take the fall", Travis explained, Marya was visibly furious.

"Now you are probably wondering why exactly he needed to break into the vault? Well inside the vault was a key that can open any door no matter how complex or even if it were magically sealed", Travis continued, Klaus took the key off his belt and flashed it at the crowd before clipping it back on.

"Klaus has it on him, got it!", Lara said to herself.

"We need the key to open a vault made by the god Jorn, now many of you probably think I am delusional, but I have seen this vault and spent much of my life researching and finding artifacts made by Jorn, this armor I am currently wearing is made by her, enchanted with pure earth magic straight from the original source", Travis bragged.

"This vault is filled with powerful items created in her forge, with them we will make so much coin that we will practically own Felsen", Travis boasted.

"Now how does burning villages fit into that? Well, we need the knights off our asses, and if towns are spontaneously combusting, then the knights will be too busy fending off the flames and saving people to pay attention to abunch of bandits breaking into some old ruins", Travis explained.

"Now then, we are going to need all of you causing as much trouble as possible, be the worst of the worst, get the knights confused and spread out so they cant coordinate, while we take a team of our best bandits to the ruins and get all the gear we can hold!", Travis declared, the bandits all cheered and applauded.

"Some of you will get arrested, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make", Travis said while they were all cheering so nobody could hear him, Klaus walked away with his head down, looking a bit gloomy.

"Alright, Klaus is walking away, I'm going to go after him and get him while he isn't expecting it", Lara stated.

"Are you insane?! He'll kill you!", Silvio exclaimed worriedly.

"I'll be fine, I dont think he wants to hurt me, besides he has his guard down", Lara reasoned.

"And what if it goes wrong?", Silvio said, grabbing her arm, his claws protruding into her arm a bit, he was scared out of his mind.

"Trust me, we've gotten this far, we can't stop now, and could be our only shot", Lara explained, taking his paws.

"I'll be fine, promise", Lara said reassuringly, hugging him before running off to the side where she wouldn't be seen.

"What do we do now?", Marya asked.

"Uuuuuuhhhh", Kiburi was unsure, but suddenly four people burst through the doors without masks on.

"Those guys took our masks!", One of them hollered, pointing furiously at the four of them, it was the bandits from earlier.

"That's just perfect!", Marya said sarcastically before readying for a fight, the other three did the same, the bandits in the room stopped and all turned to them and pulled out their weapons.

Lara followed behind Klaus sneakily until he made it to a room, he opened the door and walked in, slamming it behind him.

Lara checked her angles before running over to the door, taking a deep breath, and walking in.

"Hello sir, I wanted to ask a few questions about the key if that's not too much-", Lara began but was interrupted abruptly.

"Lara please just go away, I know you really want this key and all, but you cant be here right now", Klaus said irritably, he completely saw through her disguise, but didn't seam to be bothered at all or worried that she was there.

"Wait, how did you know?!", Lara exclaimed, shocked that she barely even got to speak before she was shot down.

"That long, dirty blonde hair you got from your mother, I'd recognize it anywhere, and your voice hasn't changed much since you were a kid", Klaus explained, pouring himself a drink and sitting back down.

"Since I was a kid?", Lara asked, confused.

"Yeah, back when I was still considered your uncle", Klaus said, he was about to drink from his glass, but just grabbed the bottle and drank out of it.

"Wait, my uncle!?", Lara exclaimed with shock.

"Guess I better start explaining", Klaus said with a long sigh.

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