Chapter 36: Maze Runners

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The five of them entered the next room, which was completely unlit like the previous one, once all of them had passed through into it, the door behind closed loudly, causing all of them to jump in surprise.

"Great, no turning back now", Marya stated.

"We aren't leaving without Lara!", Klaus snapped at Marya, Marya was unphased by the outburst.

They all began to seperate and look around in the dark until suddenly abunch of tiles began to glow yellow all around. With a small tremor beneath them, all the glowing tiles shot upwards, boxing all of them in.

"Guys, whats going on?!", Silvio panicked, but the walls were completely solid, none of them could here anything from any of them, they were seperated.

Another set of tremors came and some of the walls began to subside, revealing multiple pathways for each of them. The floors beneath them continued to glow so they could see where they were going.

"O-okay, calm down, its just a maze, I LOVE mazes!", Silvio said to himself, trying to calm himself down.

"If I just stay on the right wall eventually I'll run into the exit or one of the others!", Silvio exclaimed, letting out a distressed chuckle before beginning to follow the right wall.


"Stupid dungeon! Stupid Klaus! Stupid...stupid...Aaaggghhh!!!", Kiburi was mumbling to himself furiously as he trailed through the maze, continuously running into dead ends.

After the third dead end in a row Kiburi lost his temper and kicked the wall in a fit of rage, he paused for a second before howling in pain, holding his now bruised toes and hopping on one leg.

"This is stupid, I should be sitting on the tropical beaches of Selva drinking a really fruity martini, instead I'm stuck inside this dumb maze with abunch of idiots trying to save a hot blondie!", Kiburi ranted to himself.

"You done yet or should I give you some space?", A voice came from behind him, Kiburi spung around to see Marya leaning against the wall staring at him smugly.

"How long were you standing there?!", Kiburi asked furiously.

"Long enough to hear 'Hot blondie'", Marya answered with a grin.

"Whatever, let's just find the others and get out of here", Kiburi said, embarrassed at the fact that she witnessed his little outburst.

The two of them left and continued on their way.

(Somewhere else in the maze)

"This crap is why I never work with kids", Klaus was saying to himself as he explored the maze, tearing up pieces of paper and leaving them behind as he went so he wouldn't get lost.

As he walked through he went to turn a corner and as he did, he and Silvio ran face first into eachother, knocking eachother back.

"Ow! Watch where you are goi-wait a second, finally! I found someone!", Klaus began to say before realizing this is exactly what he wanted.

"Oh great, its you", Silvio said, not very grateful that it was Klaus that he found first.

"Whats that supposed to mean?", Klaus asked, slightly offended at the response.

"You're smart, figure it out", Silvio chided, continuing to follow the right wall without waiting for Klaus.

"What the hell is your problem with me? I didn't even do anything to you?", Klaus questioned.

"What do you mean you didn't do anything to me?! WE are in this mess because of YOU!!!", Silvio hollered at him, tapping his chest with one of his claws.

"Yeah, and we are gonna get out of it because of me too!", Klaus snapped back.

"Oh yeah? And hows that?", Silvio doubted.

"My trail of paper will eventually reveal which way we need to go, we just need to be patient and eventually I'll get us out of here", Klaus answered proudly.

"You mean that trail?", Silvio asked again, raising an eyebrow as he motioned to the trail of paper pieces, which was currently being removed by the ground as the tiles shifted to swallow them up before closing back up.

"I HATE MAGICAL MAZES!!!", Klaus roared as he toar up his papers in rage.

"We dont have time for this, every second we waste, Lara is in more danger", Silvio said as he continued forward, but he was abruptly stopped by a large room with no other paths, just a large statue of a minotaur in the center, towering ominously above them.

"I swear to god if that statue comes to life...", Silvio began but before he could finish his sentence the ground began to quake. The statue shook in place as cracks formed on it joints before a golden glow began to emit from them. Steam began to blow out of its nostrils and its head tilted to look at them, the stoney body scraping loudly as it shifted.

"I cant get a break, can I?", Silvio asked rhetorically, letting out a sigh of defeat, the stone Minotaur roared at both of them, jumping off its pedestal and crashing onto the rocky floor loudly, cracking the stone beneath it as it charged at them.

The two of them quickly turned around and began running from it as fast as they could.

"WHAT NOW!?", Silvio screamed at Klaus.

"JUST FOLLOW ME AND TRY TO KEEP UP!", Klaus told him. Klaus began turning erratically, taking any turn he could to try and lose the beast, its loud stomping booming behind them.

(I wonder how Kiburi and Marya are doing?)

"So like, is she really THAT hot?", Marya asked Kiburi, referring to Lara.

"Dude she is a TOTAL badass! I mean, she's a bit of a prude, but just LOOK at her muscles!", Kiburi replied enthusiastically, swooning over Lara.

"Ugh, hey wait, look its them!", Marya rolled her eyes at him before noticing Klaus and Silvio turn a corner and start running towards them.

"Finally, now we can look for a way out of here, have you guys found anything yet?!", Marya yelled at them, trying to get their attention.

"MINOTAUR!", Klaus screamed.

"Mino-what?", Marya asked, confused as to what thats supposed to mean?

The Minotaur burst into view, crashing into the wall behind them, it backed up and shook its head furiously before turning to look at them. Kiburi and Marya's expression changed from relief to fear as it exhaled more steam from its nose, scraped its foot against the floor, and then charged towards them.

The four of them were now all running away from the beast together, after a few more frantic turns they spotted what looked to be the exit door, Jiro was standing infront of it, calmly waiting for them.

"Go figure!", Kiburi responded, unsurprised at this revelation.

Once they were all infront of the door they began to freak out when they realized it wasn't opening.

"WHY ISN'T IT OPENING?!", Silvio panicked, banging on the door frantically.

"I DONT KNOW?!", they all stood there as the Minotaur closed in on them.

"If the door wont open itself, then we'll just make it open!", Klaus stated.

"How?!", Marya questioned.

"Everyone, get ready to move out of the way when I say", Klaus ordered.

Klaus waited, staring at the Minotaur as it got closer and closer, once it was too close for comfort he shouted "NOW!", everyone dodged in seperate directions and the Minotaur charged forwards past them into the door, crashing through it, destroying the door and itself, its stoney head tumbling onto the tiles lifelessly.

"SUCK IT YOU STONE PRICK!!!", Silvio yelled triumphantly at the stone head.

"Now thats how you make an entrance!", A voice announced, they all turned to see the Ebony Knight holding his sword against Lara's neck.

"What are you guys doing here?!", Lara yelled.

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