Chapter 2: Apprehensive Apprentice

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"So Silvio, can you tell me the difference between these two samples", a lady dressed in a black dress with gold trims and accents wearing a pointed hat asked, holding two peices of a red crystal. In the front-middle seat of an empty classroom sat a young felid boy, who's fur was a golden-yellow with black lines patterned all over his fur, wearing similar attire but green instead of black with silver accents, his face was currently buried into his textbook.

"One the other", he spoke slowly with little emotion, sheer boredom could be heard through his words as he uttered them, each word came out sounding as if he was barely alive.

She stood there and let out a sigh as she put the samples back into the cupboard and approached Silvio.

"Look Silvio, I understand you already know most of this stuff, but Edlyn still thinks you have more to learn", the lady said as she sat down beside him, tilting her head downwards to look into his eyes which were peering through the crack between his folded arms and his hat.

"And what do you think Ms. Lehrerin? ", Silvio asked

"I think that what Mrs. Schmied believes is what we should do, since I believe she knows whats best", she replied

Silvio didnt reply, but sat there and buried his face further into his textbook as he wrapped his arms around his head, he let a muffled groan of dismay.

Ms. Lehrerin slumped down in her seat in response, trying to think of a way to cheer up the boy. She glanced at the clock hanging just above her chalkboard and stood up.

"Alright, ill cut you a deal, since its assessment day and I have alot to do, ill let you leave early-", Mrs. Lehrerin began but was interrupted by an elated Silvio practically hopping out of his seat.

"You mean it!", Silvio exclaimed with a gleam in his eye and a wide smile

"-On two conditions, firstly, you cannot tell Mrs. Schmied, she will skin me alive if she found out I let you free early", she continued

"Deal!", he said, shaking her hand aggressively

"-Secondly, tommorrow, you will come into class with an open mind AND those little ears of yours wide open, is this fair?", She finished glancing at the boy waiting for a response, he took a moment to think, but not much more then a moment before agreeing jubilantly and racing out of the room.

"Ive made a grave mistake havent I", she asked rhetorically, unsure if she would survive the wrath of her superior.

"I'd say, kids should stay where they belong, wouldnt want them causing mischief after all", A voice replied from the back of the class, concealed behind the closet door.

Mrs. Lehrerin was taken by such surprise she immediately jumped and slammed the door closed, locking it as well.

"You know you're not supposed to be here, what if someone sees you?!", she replied furiously, attempted to be brave against the figure as it slowly opened the closet door and stepped out, but each step caused her rage to fizzle into fear, stepping back as they approached.

"Aww, and here I was thinking we had a better relationship then that", they replied condescendingly, the figure no longer obscured by the shadows, standing infront of her was someone wearing black and gold armor, although it wasnt full metal, it was black leather plated with what appeared to be gold. On their back was a cape that was blacked with yellow accents and a mysterious symbol embossed in the center. They wore a matching helmet that completely concealed they're face, it only had two eye holes, which showed off the two auburn eyes behind the mask.

"We have NO relationship, I dont want you anywhere near me, and I never did!", she exclaimed, gathering the courage to approach him and point her finger at him, only for him to grab it tighten his grip, causing her to scream in agony.

"You forget your place, just as that felid boy should be put in his place, allow me to do the same for you", he said as he twisted her hand and forced her to her knees.

"You are a mere peasent compared to me, I am royalty and when I complete my plan, I will finally be treated as such", he continued on as she struggled in pain, attempting to free herself from his grasp.

Suddenly two loud knocks were heard from the door, and a voice came through.

"Ms. Lehrerin, are you alright? I heard you scream, do you need me to get someone?", a male voice asked concernedly.

The figure crouched down and whispered into her ear while still holding her arm, "Your a smart girl so I wont patronize you with the details of what happens to anyone who comes in here, im sure you dont want any more innocent lives on your conscience, so you know what to do", he let go of her arm and stood back up and glared at her as she picked herself off the ground, holding her wrist in pain.

"Im quite alright Lucas, I merely...bumped my hand against the desk", She explained as she glared angrily it the figure.

"...alright, well if it gets worse please do not be afraid to ask me and ill get someone maam", he paused before responding.

"I will, thank you for your concern Lucas"

"Just doing my job"

They both went silent and listened for the footsteps on the other end of the door to disappear.

"A good kid, a shame he has such a big heart, I do hope he doesnt try to play hero in the future, for his own good" the armored figure said

"As do I", she replied under her breath.

"Anyways, your probably wondering why Im here"

"Honestly, I couldnt care less", she said behind gritted teeth as she pulled out a roll of bandages from her desk and wrapped up her hand.

Ignoring her statement, he took a seat atop one of the desks and began to speak, "Well, if you must know, I came to check up on the research assignment I gave you, the one pertaining to those old ruins",

"Look, all I could find was some old manuscripts from one of the previous book keepers, they were old and the handwriting was atrocious, so I took the liberty of translating them as well as filling in some of the blanks by cross-referencing some of his other writings", she explained, taking out a stack of papers from one of the desk drawers and handing it to him.

"You see, your sending me mixed messages, you say you hate me yet you go out of your way to help me, whats the deal?", he said mockingly.

"Id prefer you to not return asking follow up questions for anything that cant get past that thick helmet and matching thick skull of yours"

"Well, I would've simply settled for the manuscripts, but you have really out done yourself. As a reward for your assistance, as long as you dont try anything stupid, I can guarantee no harm will come to you" he said as he prepared to leap out the window but was stopped before he could.

"And Silvio!...Please, dont hurt Silvio, he's just a kid", she pleaded. He stopped and thought about it and turned slightly to look at her.

"...Alright, but the same goes for him, he stays out of my way and he comes out unscathed"

"He wouldnt try anything, he's no hero"

"Lets hope your right about that, but not all book worms are cowards like you" he said as he leapt out the window, she sat down on her desk, gripping her hand.

"...I know"

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