Chapter 13: The Adventure Begins

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Lara and Marcus suddenly appeared at the cells where she found the four of them each doing their own thing.

Marya was sitting in her cell searching it for anything she could use to get out, occasionally picking up an idea and making a face that said "AHA!", before the face would quickly dissipate when realizing whatever idea she had wouldn't work and tossing it away.

Jiro was sitting in the back of the cell with his legs crossed, palms together, and eyes closed. He appeared to be meditating.

Finally Kiburi and Silvio were sitting on the floor playing some sort of card game through the bars.

"Do you have any five's?", Silvio asked

"I have a couple three's", Kiburi replied

"You're not supposed to tell me what you have", Silvio said back angrily

"Well how was I supposed to know that?!", Kiburi complained, Silvio threw his head back in frustration.

"Alright everybody, get up I have great news!", Lara exclaimed jubilantly.

"You admitted you were in the wrong and we all get to go with a warning?", Marya asked hopefully.

"Not even close!", Lara denied her with a cheerful yet sarcastic smile, Marya replied to this remark by slumping back onto her seat like a grumpy toddler.

"Spill it then girl!", Kiburi hollered impatiently.

"Im getting to it, okay, so I was able to strike a deal with them, and the gist of it is that if we can get what was stolen back, then we all get off scot-free", Lara announced to everyone.

"If I may be so bold, what exactly was taken?", Silvio inquired.

"Apparently its an artifact known as the 'Universal Key'", Lara stated.

"The Universal Key!? You mean the ultimate key forged by Jord herself inside the Great Forge, designed to be the only way to access her uncompromisable vaults filled with her most dangerous and powerful creations?!", Silvio ranted with both fear and excitement.

"Sure, sounds like it", Lara remarked apathetically, she really had no clue what the key was, so she was going to take his word for it.

"How in the hell are we supposed to find this key thingy anyways?", Marya questioned as Marcus cautiously opened her cell and handed back her gear, Marya ripped it from his grasp and playfully made a biting gesture at him, which startled him.

"Well earlier you said something about a distraction", Lara stated.

"Yes we did, we were paid by some dude to cause some sort of distraction at that assessment thing last night, but in my opinion it wasnt worth the hassle", Kiburi complained as he and Jiro were let out and given there things, glaring at Marya as he said it, Marya was unphased.

"Money is money man, we need the coin!", Marya rebutted.

"Coin aint worth jack shit if your IN A CELL!", Kiburi shouted as he kneeled down and got in her face, she did not even flinch though, tiny as she was, she was fiesty.

"We're getting off topic! What im trying to say is that I believe whoever paid you two to make a distraction was the same person who took the key, which means that you two might be able to help us find them", Lara asserted.

"That is actually a pretty astute observation of you, im impressed Lara", Silvio commended.

"Dont use your funny words on me magic man, you know I dont understand them", Lara said disapprovingly.

"And what makes you think we wont just ditch you the first chance we get?", Marya asked with a grin.

"Because you two are stubborn, like me, you hold grudges, and you most likely want payback for being set up", Lara said jeeringly.

"Well I think you have us all wrong, besides, we got paid, so why should we be upset?", Marya said almost offended by the accusation.

"Maybe, but did you happen to get a good look at the coins they paid you with?", Lara said smuggly, never directly looking at them, only occasionally leering at them.

"Of course we did, here they are", Marya pulled out a few coins from the bag, you could hear a bit of concern in her voice.

"Hmm, just as I thought", Lara said as she pursed her lips and inspected the coins, she took one of the coins and broke it in half, yellow dust dispersed as she did.

"W-what the hell!?", Marya stammered in shock.

"Fake coins, the knights use them when criminals want ransom, a little bit of shiny paint and they never tell the difference until its too late", Lara clarified, Marya was frozen with her eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"Marya, are you good?", Kiburi probed as he placed a hand on her shoulder, she slowly turned around to face him with a look that made the large orc stumble backwards, Marya said nothing, she only pulled out her daggers and spun around to look on Lara.

"I take it your in?", Lara said boastfully as Marya stomped forwards, leading the way.

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