Chapter 26: Rude Awakening

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Lara let out a big yawn and glanced around her. Infront of her were bars made of sticks, she attempted to stand up but found that she was in a very small and crudely made cell, so small that she could barely crouch inside it.

Lara went up to the bars and looked around to see multiple other cells of the same design around her. She was able to point out two cells on the other side, Silvio and Kiburi were in them. Lara threw a rock she found at Kiburi, it hit him directly on the forehead, with an "OW!", he woke up with a jolt, but the force of the jolt caused him to hit his head on the ceiling of his cell, making another "OW!".

The ensuing thud from Kiburi resulted in the cells around him to shake and made a loose rock from Silvio's cell to fall on top of his head and wake him up.

"Ow!...wait, where are we?", Silvio said

"No clue, more importantly, where is Jiro and Marya?", Lara asked concernedly.

"Uhm, Jiro is in the cell next to you, and Marya...wait, I dont see Marya anywhere?", Silvio answered as he looked around the area, there was no sign of Marya in any of the cells.

"What do you mean you dont see her? Where the hell is Marya?!", Kiburi demanded in distress.

Kiburi noticed that Jiro was both awake, but also very calm and did not seam concerned about their current predicament at all.

"How long have you been awake Jiro?", Kiburi questioned.

"Three hours", Jiro said plainly.

"And did it ever occur to you that MAYBE you should, oh I dont know, WAKE US UP!", Kiburi shouted furiously.

"You all needed your rest, you'll need it when we get out of here", Jiro answered calmly.

"Why did we even invite this guy?!", Kiburi exclaimed.

"Cause he kicked your ass, anyone who can kick your ass is a friend of mine", Silvio said mockingly.

"You little shit!", Kiburi shouted, trying to reach his arm around the bars to grab Silvio, Silvio shuffled to the back of his cell and hissed.

"Knock it off! We need to work together and think of a way out of this!", Lara yelled, they both immediately stood still where they were and ceased what they were doing.

The three of them brainstormed ways to get out, while they did, Jiro took both his hands and snapped the stick-bars in half until there was an opening large enough for him to fit through, he got out and stood there and waited, once they noticed they all froze and stared at him blankly.

"How did you get out?", Lara asked, confused.

"...they are sticks, just break them", Jiro answered, they all felt like idiots and began breaking the sticks and crawled out.

"We never speak of this again, understood?", Lara declared, they all nodded in agreement and headed forwards down the hall.

"Any guesses as to where we are?", Kiburi asked the group.

"Not really, no, I dont recognize this place at all", Lara answered.

"I think I have an idea, but you wont like it", Silvio said, the group turned to look at him.

"How can you tell?", Kiburi asked Silvio.

"Well its kind of obvious, the badly made cells, them not taking anything from us, and the fact that this place is inside a cavern, all signs point to...", Silvio began but was interrupted by Lara.

"GOBLINS!!!", Lara shouted.

"Thats right! Im loving the enthusiasm but maybe keep it down, we are trying to escape", Silvio said obliviously.

"SHUT UP AND GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!!!", Lara screamed, they all looked at her and saw that a goblin was on top of her, tickling her for some reason.

"The Tickle Goblin-HAHA!- It's- HAHAHA!- IT'S REAL!!!", Lara hollered through fits of laughter.

Kiburi ran up and punted the goblin off of her, sending it flying into the distance, making a high pitch scream as it flew away.

Lara stood up and caught her breath, her eyes widened as if having a revelation, "It wasn't a was a warning", Lara said under her breath.

"Alright let's go before more come", Silvio stated.

"Too late", Jiro said and pointed to the wave of goblins headed their way.

"Run!", Kiburi exclaimed, they all raced away from the horde of goblins behind them, turning corners left and right through the caverns tunnels.

Eventually they made it to an open space, which was a large drop downwards, they nearly ran off the edge but scurted to a halt just before.

They tried to turn but saw both paths were blocked by groups of goblins coming at them, they were surrounded.

"What do we do?!", Lara exclaimed anxiously.

"Grab on", Jiro said quietly.

"What?", Lara asked.

"Just grab on!", Jiro raised his voice for the first time, they all immediately grabbed on to him, when they did he took out his magical focus and began to chant a few words, as he did the focus sent a wave of violet energy throughout all of them, covering each of them in a magenta glow.

"We have to jump together, do not let go!", Jiro declared.

"Hold on, what?!", Silvio exclaimed.

"No time, three, two, ONE!", Jiro said, counting down and running off the cliff side, they all closed their eyes and braced for impact, but when they opened them they found that they were gliding towards the ground.

Kiburi looked up and saw the goblins staring down at them in awe and bewilderment.

"HAH! Suck it you little demons!", Kiburi exclaimed triumphantly, the goblins began chucking rocks at them in response.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! KNOCK IT OFF!", Kiburi shouted irritably.

Eventually they all landed safely on the bottom of the cave. They all took a moment to catch their breath and recuperate themselves from the near death experience.

"Few, thanks for the save Jiro, now then, where do we go from here?", Lara thanked Jiro before looking around to decide their next plan of action.

"No way!", Kiburi said with a massive grin on his face, he pointed towards two large thrones made of bones and covered by colourful flowers, the sides of them had two large ogres guarding them, and at their feet were goblins praising the people sitting in them, one of them had a troll dressed in almost royal garb, holding a staff and wearing a crown with horns on it, the other had a small figure dressed in similar garb, but the figure was not a troll, it was Marya.

"How the hell?!", Lara asked in complete and utter shock.

"This is officially the worst day of my life", Marya grumbled.

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