2) at the station

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Scarlett's POV
I love the station personally it's one of my favorite places to be I get to just hang out with mom, tia Andy, auntie Vic and my uncles Jack, Ben, Travis, and Dean. It's a lot of fun but Andi makes it hard to have fun shes always telling me I shouldn't do something but hey moms the captain so I don't care mom and mama said as long as I don't get hurt or in the way  I can be in the barn while they are working on the trucks.  So that's normally where I am.

Anyways we get to the station and I run inside to see mom while Andi slowly walks in "hey mom!" I yell and give her a hug "hey kiddo how was school? And where is your sister?" She asked "it was great I have a track meet tomorrow and she's coming in she's being slow." I tell her "that's good kiddo and okay I have my 2 days off I'll be there so will mama and Andi as always." She tells me "how was practice today?" She asked " it was good I guess coach told me I needed some more practice before tomorrow so I told I'd run some tonight after homework and dinner." I tell her "okay I'll help. Hey Andi how was school sweetheart?" Mom asked her as they hugged "it was fine I got a project to do for science that's due Monday." Andi says "on that note I'm gonna go say hey to everyone." I said " you got the same project?" Mom asked "no ma'am I don't." I say then ran up the stairs to the beanery. Little did they know I did have it just don't have time to do it with coach down my back about beating moms  record in tomorrow meet I don't understand why he has to be harder on me then the others.

Andreas POV
After Scarlett ran upstairs mom looked at me "she has the same project doesn't she?" Mom asked "I don't know I guess we don't have that class together." I tell her me and Scarlett had every class but science together which made it easy not to get picked on in those classes because people where scared of her but science it was survival of the fittest if you where at the front of the class you where nobody but the back of the class had the jocks and cheerleaders. "I really should do some work on this project before we go home." I say "okay sweetheart you can use my office it's quite in there." She tells me "thank you." I say and hug her again then go to her office.

Scarlett's POV
I get upstairs "HELLO EVERYONE ITS YOUR FAVORITE!!" I yell as I walk into the beanery "ah look who it is Mimi maya." Uncle J said "hey kiddo" says Dean " how's my favorite little Deluca-Bishop" Ben said "you know you shouldn't say that anyway how's it going short stuff." Travis says  " hey mija." Andy says coming over to give me a hug "where's auntie Vic?" I asked normally her and Tia fight for who hugs me first "she's working out."  Tia says  "oh okay." I say "so how as school?" Uncle Ben asked "it was good." I tell him "19!" Mom coming in yelling "19!" Everyone including me yells back "good afternoon everyone we have a few more hours then we can leave I want all chores to be done and you kiddo go find Vic." Mom says "yes captain." We all say and they all leave I don't move "mom?" I say "yea kiddo." "Can we go on a run in the morning before my meet?" I asked "yea of course what times your meet?" She asked "it's at 10:30am." I tell her "okay sure thing." She says and I got to leave "hey kiddo" she says "yea mom." I say "how's your coach doing better the last year?" She asked I can't tell her he's being harder on me then the others cause I don't know why he would be. "Um yea lot better." I lie to be honest he's probably worse then my last coach. It's weird most coach treat the kids the same unless your the coach's kid but I'm not his kid so why would I be singled out. "That's good kiddo go find Vic okay." She says "okay." I say and go off to find Vic.

Andreas POV
It's been like 2 hours and mom just came in to tell me to get ready to leave. I get my stuff and Scarlett runs into moms office "Andi I need a favor." She says what could she need now I'm not doing her homework or any thing else "what?" I asked "can you help me with my homework at home please I really need an 'A' on my math homework or coach won't let me do the next meet." She's says "okay I'll help you." I tell her "we have all weekend to do it okay." She says "okay don't you have a meet tomorrow tho" I asked "yea but he already told me I could run also he wants me to have it on my next report card." She says "okay come on mom is waiting." I say "thank you thank you Andi." She says and we get to the car to go home.

*at home*
"How was everyone's day?" Mama asked "good." I said "great" Scarlett said "long." Mom said it was always someone had a long day it was either mom mama or Scar but me my answer never changed hardly it was either 'fine' or 'good' no in between. After dinner we watched a movie then Scar went to bed first then mom. So it was just me and mama up. Fridays is our family movie night. We pick a movie Monday then watch it Friday. Saturdays normally we where at track meets or something else the Sundays family day so here's to the weekend.

A/N: 2 Parts in one day I'm surprised with myself anyways hope y'all like it.
Who do you think Scarlett's coach is?

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