49) Long Road

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Andreas POV
It's been a few weeks  since the accident moms and Scarlett have been so helpful with my recovery mom has taken days off to stay home with me when I didn't want to go to school. Mama has helped with cleaning my cuts being my leg still hasn't healed yet. "Bambina you up?" I heard mama ask as she opened my door "yea." I said she walked the rest of the way in the room "how you feel about going to school today with Scarlett?" Mama asked I was able to stay out the last two Fridays and some of last week which made Scarlett mad because she couldn't miss school. "I guess." I said I mean they all know it's not like me to stay out of school unless I'm sick but I hate having to have help get to classes because I'm still on my crutches. "Bambina I think you've missed enough school and in a few weeks you're gonna be on summer break." She tells me I look down at my hands and feel mama sit beside me "Bambina what's wrong?" She asked me "I don't like needing help mama I mean it's good me and Scarlett have almost all the same classes but the ones we don't she still helps me to and then has to run to her class which makes her late." I word vomit at her "Bella Scarlett is fine she's not late to her classes thanks to her being on the track team." She tells me "I guess your right." I said "okay get up and get ready do you need help at all getting ready?" She asked I shook my head she then got up and left to fix breakfast.

About 15 or 20 minutes later I was finally ready and on my way downstairs to the kitchen "is Scarlett ready?" I heard mom ask "no I think she's still upstairs getting ready." Mama replied "Scar kiddo come on we're gonna be late!!!" Mom yelled. "Oh good morning Andi." Mom said "morning mom." I responded as I sat down at the table.  We still hadn't heard Scarlett come down or yell back saying she'd be down in a few "mom is she getting ready?" I asked "I sure hope so. You did wake her up right Carina ?" She asked mama "yea I did she couldn't have fallen back asleep." Mama said I just shook my head it'd be like scar to fall back asleep "give her a few more minutes if she don't come down y'all go ahead and I'll drop her off later." Mama said "but I can't get to my class with out her mama." I said "Andi ask Sarah or Summer to help you I'm sure they will." Mama tells me I just nodded my head.

About 10 minutes passed and Scarlett was still not down so me and mom got in the car and left when we got to the school Sarah was walking up to the car like every morning "hey Mrs.Deluce-Bishop hey Andi" she said as I was trying to get out the car "hey Sarah I told you to just call me maya" mom said "hey Sarah." I said as I continued to struggle getting out "I'll remember next time ma'am. Andi you need help?" She asked I slowly nodded as she grabbed my bag "where's scar ?" she asked "still at home she'll be here later I think." I tell her she nods " I can help you till she gets here we have first and second together." She said "thank you" I said "thank you Sarah" mom said "no problem Mr.D....I mean Maya." Sarah said with a smile. After getting out of the car Sarah helped me to first period.

After first period scar still hadn't showed up I started to worry with if she wasn't coming today what if something happened? "Hey have you heard from your sister?" Sarah asked I just shook my head "she hasn't talked to me since the night before last which is odd.." I cut her off "was she short with her text Saturday?" I asked "yea kinda why?" Sarah asked I shook my head all I could think is it's happening again.

Carinas POV
After Maya leaves with Andi I got to Scarlett's room and knock on the door "Scarlett Bella mom and Andi already left come on." I said I didn't get a response "Bella?" I said  as I went to open her door as I walked I to her room I see papers everywhere books thrown places her desk was a mess and she was sitting in the corner of her room with her knees to her chest rocking back and forth "Bella ?" I said slowly making my way to her. She's done this once before it was after my brother died. She destroyed her room then sat in a corner crying rocking back and forth the days after that she was silent she didn't speak a word and if she did it was only to Maya. Maya saw it coming she saw the signs I didn't. I moved a little closer not to close "Bambina it's mama what happened?" I asked knowing she probably wouldn't answer she just shook her head. Not saying a word all I knew to do was to calm her down then call Maya.  I slowly started to move a little closer "No stay back!! I said No!" She yells  I make a confessed face "Bella it's me mama." I said  she tried pushing herself more in to the corner and  started scratching her arms. "Bella mamas here no one's gonna hurt you." I said I was finally able to wrap her in my arms "that's it Bella calm down." I said in her ear. "Mamas got you." I whispered in her ear.

A/N: hey y'all hope y'all like it sorry it's taking time for me to get them out been really busy at work. Hope y'all like it.

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