25) young love (pt.2 of 2)

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Sarah's POV
She lied to her moms about eating she didn't eat at lunch. How could she lie about that. "Sarah you okay?" Maya asked "yes ma'am just something on my mind. I'm gonna go check on Scarlett." I tell them "okay." They say together. I get up and go to Scarlett's room and see her lay on her bed staring at the ceiling "you okay babe?" I asked as I walked over to her bed and sat down on the side of her bed. "Yea why?" She asked me "you just lied to you moms that's why you didn't eat at lunch." I tell her "I know but they don't have to know that." She tells me "scar it's not good to not eat. You need to eat ." I tell her "why what's the point in eating when I'm not hungry at all? There's no need for food and even if I did eat I'd run it off at practice or when I'm home so what's the point?" She asked "because if you don't eat you could be put in the hospital and not be able to run.." I tell her "look Sarah I do eat just not all the time. Ever since Lane was coaching it I wasn't eating like I was supposed to it got better then the whole thing with Cody I just....i don't know." She tells me "I understand stand that but you need to eat something today and your moms need to know you didn't eat today." I tell her "no they don't one day won't hurt me." She tells me I just nod. "I know your upset with me and that's fine but I can't make myself eat so I'm sorry." She says and puts her hand on my hand "I love you." She says "I love you to."I tell her.

I lay beside her on the bed and she rolls over and lays her head on my chest "can I tell you something?" She asked "yea of course anything." I tell her "I'm not ready to meet with the lawyer or take him to court I don't think I can handle it." She tells me "it's okay not to be ready but when it happens you'll be ready I promise." I tell her. Not even an hour later I look down at her and she's asleep I smile. "She hasn't slept in days." I hear Andi say "do you know why?" I asked "I think it's the nightmares. The only time she sleeps is on ft with you or when your here." She tells me " she's happy with you you know." Andi says as she walks into the room. "I know it takes time to get over what it is that she's going though but you help her a lot." She tells me "I'm happy if she's happy." I tell her " don't break her heart I can't see that happen again." She says "what do you mean?" I asked "she'll tell you when she's ready. Just be open with it." Andi says "I'll leave so I don't wake her." She says and walks out.

A few hours later I got a text from my mom saying I needed to get home but I  didn't want to go. If I left that meant I'd wake Scarlett up and I didn't want that. "Hey Bella it's getting late do you need to be getting home?" Carina asked from the door. "Yea but I don't want to wake her she's sleeping so peacefully." I say "she'll fall back asleep Bella it's okay." Carina tells me. Which I didn't believe but I slowly moved to get up. All to my surprise she didn't wake up I kissed her forehead and said goodbye then maya took me home. I really hope after this trial things will get back to what it use to be. I miss the happy Scarlett. But the one question I couldn't shake was who broke her heart before?

A/N: hey loves sorry it's short and later then what I said but I hope y'all like it.

Who do you think broke Scarlett's heart first?

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